Page 48 of Shattered Magic
Eon sat up and ran a hand through her hair. “Hello?”
“Mage Eon? This is Mage Guide Leader Thea Breatah. We need help.” A howling wind nearly drowned out the young woman’s voice.
“What is wrong?”
“We are camping on Tellcraft Mountain, and one of the girls decided to try a spell. It worked, and we loosed the wind.”
Eon was wide awake. “Which wind?”
“The north wind. The spell was for the north wind. It is circling us, and there is screaming in the stone around us. We’re scared.”
“Right. I am on my way.”
“You are coming?” The hope was audible.
“With help. We will get you home safe.” Eon was pulling her jeans on while she spoke. “We will be there within the hour, just stay together and stay safe.” She hung up and paused, stripping and pulling on her adaptable clothing.
She called Asta, but her sister didn’t answer, so she dialled Genifel and got an answer. “Gen, I need help.”
“Just tell me when and where.”
“Tellcraft Mountain and right fucking now. There are some mage guides who summoned a wind spirit up on that mountain. He’s probably working up the nerve to knock them off.”
“Right. Putting on something stretchy. Those wind spirits cause me to bloat something fierce.” Gen could be heard rummaging. “You still driving that silver SUV?”
“I will be looking for you. See you soon.” Gen hung up, and Eon sighed in relief.
Gen was reliable and could get the job done. It would have been easier to use Asta as bait, but Eon would take what she could.
Right now, there were some girls stuck on a mountainside.
* * * *
Asta rolled over and checked her phone. “Oh dear.”
Steerik stroked her shoulder. “What is it?”
“Eon called me. My sister never calls outside of waking hours unless it’s urgent.”
“I am sure it’s fine.”
She turned her head and looked at him, happily sprawled out in her bed. “I am sure it isn’t. I have to go.”
She got out of bed and stalked to the bathroom to clean up while calling her sister and finally got an answer. Eon filled her in, and Asta blinked. “I am on my way.”
“Gen is coming, but backup would be appreciated.”
“I am on my way, sis.” She twisted her hair into a ponytail and headed to the bedroom where Steerik was sitting up.
“I am guessing that our tryst is over?”
“Yup. You can stay as long as you like, but there are some mage guides stuck on a mountainside, and I am an emergency responder, as is my friend Gen.” She got dressed as she spoke, and by the time Steerik got out of bed, she was grabbing her keys.
She walked over to him and beckoned for him to bring his head down. She kissed him when he obliged and smiled. “Thanks.”
“I usually get paid if there are thanks.”