Page 55 of Shattered Magic
“We had all the paperwork ready to go. The lawsuit was geared up, and a clerk who hates her family stamped and expedited it. It has gone off like clockwork.”
He grinned and beckoned to her. “May I have a hug?”
She got up, brushed the crumbs off, and walked to sit on his lap. They cuddled together with occasional kisses until Prolen arrived with the day’s activities for Zerul.
Hari started texting her friends and asked them if they knew four females for the following evening. They lived in an area where rituals popped up randomly, which was an important one to control the surrounding areas.
Prolen paused as he spoke to Zerul. “Mattias is arriving with his assistant, and there is an unexpected guest coming in tomorrow. Regick and his mate, Zora, are coming. They wish to talk to Arkus about his territory.”
Zerul cocked his head. “They wish to establish a presence in the city?”
“I believe they wish to help you with the vampires in the city. There is going to be a meeting that no one has anticipated.” Prolen smiled, showing his teeth. “I am going to have to wear my best suit.”
Zerul nodded. “Interesting. Since the demigods in this region are populating heavily, the vampires have limited meals available. It means that your species makes stupid choices.”
Prolen shrugged. “You aren’t wrong. The ladies that your consort recommended to me are quite satisfying.”
Hari chuckled. “But I can’t pimp out the whole city. Those two have a particular interest in what you have to offer. What’s this about demigods?”
“Ah, the last wave cracked the space where the gods retreated. Their energy has been leaking out for decades, and you are one of the results, as am I. The transformations into recognizable species, his morphing into something else.” Zerul stroked her back. “Isn’t that fun?”
“Oh, I see you have your own brand of crazy, Governor.” She snorted and leaned her head against his shoulder.
Her friends got back to her with a list of names. She cross-referenced them and came up with four names. Two were siblings, so it made it easier. She sent texts and emails to the ladies on the list, keeping one extra just in case.
“There. Now I wait for strangers to agree to stand here in an evening gown while you look them over like a piece of meat and choose a consort.”
Zerul murmured, “There will be snacks.”
“Oh. That’s a selling point. I should have led with that.”
He kissed her temple. “You can’t think of everything.”
She smiled. “Well, I have to go to the club to check inventory today.”
“Take someone.”
“Like who? Prolen isn’t going to be enjoying daylight.”
“I can come with you once I have finished my more emergent tasks.”
“The club isn’t as fun during daylight hours.”
“I know, but I don’t want you alone, considering the events of the last week.”
Hari huffed, but she wasn’t stupid. He also wasn’t wrong. She pursed her lips. “Fine. Let me know when you are ready to go. I have to do an inventory and health standards check.”
“You do that once a week?”
“Oh, yeah. Health inspectors hold strip clubs to a higher standard. It is far too common for men who overextend their wallets to try and call in complaints.”
“Only men?”
“Yeah. The ladies who come watch their wallets, so if they are cheating on their significant others, they keep their budgets separate.”