Page 65 of Shattered Magic
Zerul looked pleased with himself as they walked to where Matthias and his assistant were waiting. Leo was in a lovely gown of rose pink, and she stood at Matthias’s side.
Zerul turned to face her. Matthias said something about love and Zerul setting a high bar for future arrangements.
Hari looked into Zerul’s eyes, and when she was prompted, she repeated after the vampire king. More rings appeared from somewhere, and Hari put a ring on Zerul’s finger, and he did the same to her.
The kiss blanked her mind, but she started laughing when Zerul flipped her over his shoulder and ordered everyone to enjoy the reception.
Inside the manor, she stated, “I can’t believe I am missing my own reception.”
“I will make it up to you. I promise.” He chuckled and ran his hand up her thigh. It wouldn’t have been disturbing, except it was under the dress.
He got to his private rooms, locked the door, and walked to the bed with her still draped over him, her wings lazily opening and closing behind her.
Zerul set her on her feet, turned her, and hugged her. “Wife.”
He chuckled. “You don’t sound sure.”
“You don’t feel like the take-out-the-garbage type.”
“I promise to make myself useful. It was in my vows.”
“I didn’t really hear them. My pulse was pounding in my ears.”
His hands moved over her back, around her wings. “I have had something added to our bedroom.”
She snorted. “Really? Is it tacos? I could go for tacos.”
He grinned. “Speaking of. Raise your hands above your head.”
She did and looked up. There were soft loops of material hanging from the ceiling. He reached up and guided her hands through the loops, and then there was a distant soft whirring that pulled her off her feet.
She went higher and higher until she was hanging with her groin at his head level. She snorted. “I see what you did there. Taco.”
He laughed and winked. He reached under her dress and removed her skimpy underwear then pushed the skirt out of the way, and there was no other word for it; he dove in.
Zerul was insistent and soon learned what made her shiver and what made her moan. The rings were tight on her hands when she clenched on the straps suspending her as her wings flapped as an outlet to her body’s overwhelmed senses.
She hung there and eventually screamed as she bucked against him. He gave her sex a soft kiss before she was lowered, and he turned her to lie on the bedding.
It was the beginning of a wave of energetic coupling that didn’t end until the following morning.
Preparing to doze off, she muttered, “Who were all the guys?”
“The most powerful extranaturals who could be here in a day and were single and looking for a female. You brought the ladies; I brought the gentlemen. I am hoping that a few matches were struck.” He stroked her back where her wings had been.
“So, what now?” She was sleepy the moment that the aches had healed.
“Now, we live happily ever after. We sort your legal issues, you decide how much time you want to spend at the club, and we sleep like this every night, morning, or whenever. I am not sure, but we will work it out.” He sighed happily. “Now, we have all the time in the world.”
“You aren’t worried about me using the scream?”
“No, I am making it my duty to stand between you and anyone who will trigger it.”
“More like a weird hobby.” She rubbed her cheek against his chest. She was nearly asleep when she muttered, “Why did we get married?”
“Because, as we have discussed in the dream realm, I am for you, and you are for me, and I want you to know that I am at your back every moment that I am not with you, and I want others to know it, too.”