Page 9 of Shattered Magic
“Oh, yes. There is no statute of limitations on sexual assault, and I am going to sue her in civil court as it is obvious to even the blindest person that the dress from that night was bought for me, the shoes were for me, and she spoke to Eberhart on the day, and he was known for forced sex.”
“I should have kept a closer eye on the court.”
“You didn’t have the energy to stay awake. But now that you are up and around, keep a tighter leash on your psychic drinkers.”
“That has been in effect for years. No one even tries to feed from a partner under my roof without asking permission.”
“That sounds so odd.”
He grinned and chuckled. “They caught on quickly.”
She saw an image of Prolen feeding from Serel and Zerul’s hands pulling his deputy off his mistress. Prolen hit the wall with a thud, and Serel sobbed and covered the bite wound as it seeped blood. She whined and crawled toward Zerul, but he kept out of her grasp.
The demonstration had been done while everyone was in the same salon in the mansion. Couples sprang apart, bowed, and left his home.
Hari looked up at him. “That’s pretty harsh.”
“If I can’t have my consort, no one can. I am petty like that.” He curled a finger through her hair and smiled. “That little imp, in particular, kept me from you, and that, I will not forgive. As soon as you are installed, she is banned from the premises and possibly the city. I will leave that up to you.”
“Oh, I have my own plans for her. She should be finding out by the end of the day.”
“Anhara, what are you doing?”
“Suing her within an inch of her life. I have a lawyer, and she doesn’t particularly care for Serel either.”
“I see. What are you suing for?”
“The dress. The lost wages. The shoes. The social stigma. She meant for me to be there and directed that bastard straight at me. She is an accessory to his death after the fact.”
“Interesting. I had not thought of it that way.”
“My lawyer and I brainstormed. The district attorney has been approached, and proof has been presented. He will proceed if we win our case.” She knew her face was taking on a sinister cast.
“Shall I help?”
“Did you know that Eberhart was rapey?”
“Predatory, yes. It was considered a bonus to have him in the ranks. He scared off other predators.”
“Then, you might get your ass sued as well.”
He nuzzled her cheek. “My ass can take it.”
She snorted and slapped his chest.
His laugh was wicked. “Yours can, too, if memory serves me.”
“Well, we slowly went through all things that triggered you, and then we went through them spontaneously, and then we got a little freaky. I appreciate your sense of adventure.”
“If we were face-to-face, I would never have even let you touch me.”
He sighed. “I know, but you have.”
“You have let me touch you. Even a small kiss.”