Page 65 of Devil's Retribution
We signed off and I sighed, turning my head and kissing the top of Emma’s. “My work is never done.”
“Is it always like this for you?”
I licked my lips, wondering how much to tell her. Finally, I gave the truth. “Not always, but close to it. Running a Bratva is in many ways like running a business, until something goes wrong. Then we end up with blood in the streets.”
“Why would this Igor man agree to work with my uncle?”
It was a very good question, and one I wasn’t sure how to answer. “Igor was once a very strong ally and friend. A little before my brother’s murder, he was found to have turned against us and he was expelled. He’s sought to be a thorn in my side ever since. I’m certain he’d agree to do anything to trouble me and mine. He’d jump at the chance to kill my brother in front of me.”
“But my parents? What about them?”
I shrugged. “Money. Lots and lots of money, and the need to make more. Igor’s greed knows no bounds. I already knew he was taking side jobs outside of the Bratva back when he was allied with us. I just didn’t expect those side jobs to include selling information to my enemies. But that is exactly what happened.”
“I see.” She went back to quietly cuddling with me as I called Alexei. I tried to ignore her warm scent, and the stirrings of my desire. Work first.
Alexei answered right away. He sounded harried. “I’m afraid I still don’t have anything for you,” he said in a rush, not waiting to hear why I’d called.
“Calm down, Alexei, this is mostly not about that. Though since you brought it up, I am wondering what the hold-up is.”
“Everything that could go wrong right now has,” he grumbled. “A power outage, corrupt files, and several lost crawler searches. Especially everything from security cameras around the city. I was doing an image search of Igor’s face.”
“Hmm. All right. Look, are you somewhere where you can close the door?”
He hesitated. “Yes.” I heard a door close and lock. “What’s going on, boss?”
“We have a leak. Possibly more than one. We suspect they’re selling information to Igor.”
He huffed in surprise. “I’ll have to check all my guys.”
“Start with the one in charge of the image searches,” I advised. “Is he new?”
“Georgi? No. He’s been with us for over a decade.”
“Check him, thoroughly, and watch his work. Go through the others as well. Do not let anyone know what is going on.” I did my best to sound calm, but inside, I was seething at the idea that we had a turncoat. Possibly even a saboteur. “Any news on Dimitri?”
“None. With everything happening here I’ve been unable to get anything done.”
I thought about it for a moment. “Contact me once you’ve checked your men, or if you find anything interesting in the meantime.”
“Does Tolya know?”
“As much as you do, yes. Alexei, how localized was that blackout?”
“Just a few blocks. A transformer blew. There are still trucks here, but we’ve got the power back on.”
“That’s suspiciously pinpointed,” I muttered. Emma shifted her weight, listening in.
“Now that you’ve mentioned we have a leak, yeah, it does sound like that. I’ll look into all of this and text you if I get anything.” He sounded worried. “I don’t know whether to hope I find the leaker or hope I don’t. I know these men and trust them with my life.”
“I used to think I knew Igor,” I reminded him gently.
“I suppose that’s true.” But he only sounded more unhappy.
I knew the feeling. And once I found out who was ratting us out, and had put my Emma in danger, I was going to come down on them like the wrath of God. Even if that traitor wore the face of a friend. I had made a mistake letting Igor live all those years ago. I would not make the same mistake twice.
Chapter 25