Page 26 of His Human to Chase
There’s a snapping of teeth toward Simone, but Yril has my face in his hands, raising my face to look up at his as he scans me for any hint that he hurt me. Like that’s even a possibility at all. I scoff at his tenderness even though my heart is preening under his careful gaze and sweet touches.
“You are okay?” He finally asks after convincing himself there’s no external damage that he caused. Now, he’s checking to make sure he didn’t hurt my feelings. My scary giant demon man is sweeter to me than he probably even realizes. I know if I bring it up, he’ll just laugh and pull my hips to his and tell me he can show me how sweet he really is.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask, a little breathless at how he’s staring at me with admiration when he just looked like a crazed killer about to sink his teeth into the other demon’s neck at any second.
“You were rough with me.” He narrows his eyes on me like he’ll discover a secret if he looks long enough.
The hardness in his eyes softens as his lips pull up into a smile. His tongue flicks between the sharpened points of his teeth as he inches closer to my mouth. He presses his cold, scaled lips to mine so I can kiss him and then pulls away from me again.
“My floof is sweet unless she is mauling me with her teeth. Is that what you want now?”
“No more fucking your demon,” Simone groans from the table. “We’ve been waiting hours for you two to finish up so we could make a plan in case Alice doesn’t come back.”
Yril’s eyes snap over to the human who’s been very adamant about how much she hates being here and that she’s never going to mate one of the men. I do have to say that I’m not trusting that as much since she did just save Rallan’s life. However, he’s looking at her with admiration, and she’s not giving him a second glance. She doesn’t even flinch when my behemoth of a mate tries to bristle at her. Instead, she sits up straight and holds up a middle finger to him.
“I do not know this gesture, but it is not good, yes?” Yril turns to me.
“Not good,” I nod a confirmation as I try to suppress my giggle. “Let’s sit down and talk now, though. We’ve been away from everyone for a while now, and we need to catch up.”
Yril keeps his head pointed down toward me but shifts his eyes over to the dozen or so others sitting around the tables, watching us. His body stiffens, but he lets out a long breath of air like the hardest thing for him to do right now is sit down and just talk. I reach up to soothe him, but he spins me around and marches me over to the others.
We’re situated in a chair with me on his knee before anyone else in the room relaxes. Well, anyone except for Simone and Rallan, who has now slinked closer to where she sits, taking a seat next to her even though she doesn’t acknowledge him at all.
Yril pulls my hair behind my head and starts to comb through it with his claws, making sure to be gentle with any tangles he finds. He keeps his touch light against me even when his words to his brothers are said through gritted teeth. “So, tell us what the plan is if my sister is not returned?”
“Okay, so it’s more so the plan in general.” The unmated female leans on her forearms and speaks directly to my mate. Not to me. Not to any of my brothers. No one except for my mate, who seems to be enthralled as she leans to match the posture of the other human.
Almaac groans beside me, a sound that makes me think he has already heard this plan and did not like it. Maybe that is why the newest female is speaking to my Skylar. Does she think she can sway my mate into a bad plan? No, not while she is in my arms, most definitely not.
“What’s your plan, Simone?” Skylar asks, her forearms finding the table in front of us. I want to pull her back just a bit, but I also do not want my mate to feel like I control her too much. That is fine for other mates, but my mate, I just want to hunt and chase and scare a bit.
“I need to piss off the Hands,” Simone says and then cuts a glance to her right. Her eyes meet with Rallan’s, and she scowls when his face brightens at her acknowledging him at all.
Rallan is making a fool of himself. All of the females who have mated us have been very open in their interest in us. Simone has none of that interest for him at all, at least none that I can see.
When her eyes come back to my Skylar’s, she’s softened her expression slightly. “I thought I was going to stay on Earth with someone, but he’s a fucking asshole who still sent me, so now I’m trying to piss him off enough that he shows up.”
I’m confused by many of the words the human is saying, but Skylar is keeping up well enough that I will just have her explain it all to me when we go back to my bed. My little floof raises her hand to stop Simone from speaking for a moment. “What does this have to do with Alice?”
Simone doesn’t even need time to think of an answer to my mate’s very good question. “One of the bad aliens is already returning to the other tribe to tell their leader there are women here. That’ll be two people at least who have claimed we’re here. Eventually, more and more demons are going to want to know what’s going on here.”
I’m grateful my mate sounds as confused as I feel. Yes, there is a good chance that other tribes will know of our females soon, and then word will spread to others. I figure we will just kill everyone who finds out about our humans. They will all want humans of their own, but some of them are not as honorable as my brothers and me. If we are the only ones to know of the sweet and small humans, then they will be safe.
“So, we need to go tell the tribe leader ourselves, with one of us there.” Simone shrugs her shoulder as though she is saying something rational when she most certainly is not. No male here will be willing to risk his mate going to a tribe that, for all we know, could wish to do her harm. “If somehow they dragged Alice there, we can get her back. If she’s not there, we can at least show the other tribe that we’re willing to let them know our secret and hope it only strengthens the relationship between the tribes.”
“Whose foolish plan is this?” I ask before I can stop myself.
I hate that my mate is even thinking of allowing this to happen. They will want to send a strong male, and they said they needed us for the conversation. Are they thinking of sending my mate and me to the other tribe after she was just attacked by their members? After I slaughtered them? Surely not. If that is what they are expecting, they will find themselves very sorry when I know who to punish for such a poorly thought-out plan.
I do not expect the rumble of a growl to vibrate the air around us, and it immediately has my body tensing, waiting for a fight. My eyes narrow on the male next to Simone, and I hiss at him loud enough that he stops the rattling in his chest. Yes, he somehow cares for the female who will not give him a chance. Of course, he does. Foolish male and his foolish female who wants me to risk my mate. No.
“My plan is great,” Simone holds a middle finger up behind her that is right in front of Rallan’s face. He smiles at it, and then the tip of his tongue flicks it. If the human feels it, she does not show it. Instead, she keeps the finger there as she continues to assault me with her words. “I don’t need some meathead asshole telling me it’s foolish when his input is not needed at all. If I wanted to talk about slicing into people I care about, then I’d come to you. Now shut up and let the women talk.”
I snap my teeth at her, but Skylar’s shaking body concerns me more. Or it does until I realize she is laughing at me, not crying like I thought. The sound causes me to forget how harsh Simone was with her words and how she thoroughly called me out on hurting my brothers. Instead, I focus on the sweet sound of laughter pouring from my mate and listen to her continue to entertain this foolish human and her foolish plan. It does not seem as hard to do when Skylar’s eyes crinkle in the corner as she smiles up at me.