Page 32 of His Human to Chase
“If you send her in here, I will take it as a breach of my property, and I have the right to defend my property according to your dumbass rules.”
“Think about what you are saying and if you want to say it,” Ralleth’s voice is a warning, but Skylar does not seem to care at all.
“I’m saying that according to rule number eighty-three made in the year eight-hundred and twenty-two, I can beat your mate’s ass if she steps foot in this room.”
There’s a distinct feminine laugh that sounds from the direction of where Ralleth is standing, which means he probably already brought his mate with him knowing Skylar would not allow him in the room.
“Leave her be, Ralleth,” Olivia says soothingly to her mate, who is probably unsure of how to respond to my mate. Olivia is a sweet female, and so is mine, but she is only sweet to me. Everyone else gets the ferocious side of her if she thinks they have wronged us.
“If you need anything—“
“I will ask for help if I need it,” Skylar’s fury fades, and the bed dips slightly when she sits on it. There’s a brief silence before the bed dips in various spots, and I assume she is crawling on it. Her warmth radiates from her as she nears me, and I can’t stop the smile that stretches my lips even though it hurts.
“Don’t you fucking smile,” Skylar is strong in her words for all of a moment before it breaks on the last word and sobs take over.
She cries against my chest for a long while, and I slowly move my arms to hold her. They are sore from how tense I was when trying to keep myself still when being struck in the face repeatedly. It was all worth it. So entirely worth it since I am now in my bed with my mate.
“I am okay, Skylar,” The words are rough coming out of my mouth, but she can understand them, and that is all that matters. “Give me the night, and I will be able to open my eyes. In a few days, the swelling will go down. Then, I will be the same male you mated, and we can forget this ever happened.”
She takes a deep breath, her nose sniffling as she tries to stop her crying. “How long can we forget?”
“Forever, my floof,” I hold her tighter to me, my smile staying on my lips no matter how much it hurts. “Forever and ever and ever. Every single day of our lives, we can forget.”
Four Months Later
It’s dark out. So fucking dark that I can barely see anything except for the trees a few feet in front of me. My breathing is getting ragged, my footsteps heavy in exhaustion, and my nerves are a complete wreck. Every little sound in the darkness has me almost screaming as adrenaline pumps into me. I’m almost certain that once I’m caught, Yril is only going to have a max of ten minutes with me before I fall from this adrenaline high.
A hiss to my left has me stopping my movements as I spin around, trying to figure out where the sound came from. It’s Yril. I know it’s Yril. But what if it’s not? We’re closer to the other tribe, the leader offered us a night undisturbed by his tribesmen in exchange for us taking tradesmen to help us build up the houses faster. Yril was all too excited to accept the deal since the forest close to their tribe doesn’t have the same threats that ours has since we’re deeper in the trees.
“Yril?” I call out into the darkness.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He won’t answer me. No, he’s probably loving how scared I sound. My eyes dart around the darkness of the trees, and I try to figure out which way I’m traveling so I can just run back to the tribe. No, even that’s a stupid idea because Yril’s been herding me through these trees to wherever it is that he finally wants to fuck me.
“Fuck it,” I mumble under my breath and head straight in the direction of where the hiss came from. He’s going to be upset that I ran toward danger when everything he’s ever told me has been to run away from it. In this case, the danger is him, and I want him to catch me, so maybe it’ll be okay to run toward the scary monster.
A hand wraps in my hair, and he holds on to me so tightly that I’m pulling my own hair because I can’t stop my running fast enough. I let out a small cry that is quickly muffled by a scaled hand across my lips.
“Shh,” Yril’s tone is teasing as he grips me tighter. “You wanted to be caught. Now entertain me like a good little floof.”
My hair is released at the same time as my mouth, and he lets me fall to my knees before disappearing back into the darkness, leaving me all alone. I twist and turn, my eyes wide as I look for any sign of him in the darkness. I start crawling toward one of the larger trees so I can hide behind it, but I’m stopped by a hand wrapping around the back of my neck and pushing my face into the grass.
“I said entertain me, floof,” Yril’s voice is a snarl in my ear before he squeezes me a bit tighter and then releases me completely.
I’m shaking as I sit back on my knees. My hands immediately go to the hem of my shirt, and I start to pull it over my body, revealing myself to the warm night air. I debate removing the leather boots I’m wearing but leave them on in case he wants to chase me around some more. I look around the small clearing again, trying to figure out which tree Yril is hiding behind. By the time I go to reach for my tunic, thinking maybe me being naked wasn’t what he wanted, it’s disappeared. Probably in Yril’s hand and not allowed to go back on me until he’s been thoroughly entertained.
“Yril?” I cover my breasts with my hands, feeling too exposed when I don’t know where he is. The touch is light and not meant to be erotic, but my nipples are so sensitive, and my body aching for any kind of stimulation after being edged with fright all night. I move my hands over my breasts again, my fingers catching on my nipples slightly as I give them a soft tug. “Yril.” His name is a moan this time instead of a frightened question, as I realize what he meant by entertaining him.
I fall back on my butt, pulling my legs in front of me and then lying on the grass. I spread my legs wide, no longer caring about how absolutely exposed I am. No, now I know what role I’m supposed to play, and it’s the scared floof doing whatever it can to entertain its scary verpar. A hiss sounding in the trees tells me that I’m doing a great job.
“Fuck,” I lift my hips off the ground as I thrust two of my fingers inside my pussy. It takes all of two seconds after a word that is not Yril’s name escapes my lips before he comes out of his hiding spot.
“My name, floof,” He snarls as he flips me onto my stomach and raises my hips into the air. “The only word on your lips when you find pleasure is my name.”
“Yril,” I moan desperately as he teases my entrance with his cock. “Please, fuck me. Please, I’ve been a good floof.”
Yril hisses above me, his cock thrusting inside of me completely in one easy motion, thanks to how wet I am. He pulls out of me before teasing me again. “One word, Skylar.”