Page 5 of His Human to Chase
My eyes scan the lush grass, and I smile to myself when I see this human must not know how to cover her tracks at all. Her steps are heavy and leave impressions in the grass that will last until the next storm anyway. I shake my head, determined to teach my mate to be stealthier if this is a game we are to play often. I cannot be expected to have a hard time tracking her when she is so obvious in her signs. Still, the thrill of the hunt has me following her obvious trail. My thoughts getting more and more precise in what I want to do to her as I grow closer.
I spot her pale hair before she notices me, and I slow my movements. I will not be taking her out in the trees where anyone can stumble upon us. No one is around for a long while, but there could be a brother or two out in the trees hunting before the next storm comes. It would be foolish, but that does not mean they are not being foolish. So, I give my mate a wide berth as I dart from tree to tree, much more stealthy than her.
I make sure no animals are near the direction she is running, and then I start to herd her in the direction of one of the safe houses. A few rocks are thrown at trees to startle her into running in a different direction. A hiss or two when she veers off course. I wonder if she even knows that it is me who is making all of the sounds. The smile on her face when she looks around makes me feel better about what I am doing. Maybe she enjoys being the prey that I am hunting. What am I thinking? Of course, she does. That is exactly what she enjoys. She would not have asked for a headstart if she did not.
My eyes leave my pale human for just a moment to make sure we are close enough to the safety building that I can take her now. The beast inside of me growls when I see the outline of the stone building, and my body responds before my mind can catch up. I need my mate, need her under me, need her calling my name.
A hiss leaves my lungs when I am close enough to reach out and grab her. She throws her head back in a laugh as she finds more energy to run a bit faster. My hand just barely snags on her tunic, and I would have shredded it if I hadn’t retracted my claws. She turns her head slightly, and that is enough to have her stumbling slightly. She loses her footing for all of a second before falling to the ground. Or she would have hit the ground if she wasn’t running from the best male in the whole tribe.
I wrap an arm around her waist and haul her up against me. Her body is trembling, probably from the excitement of the hunt, but her smile tells me I am fine to claim my prize since I caught her.
“You’re mine,” I hiss against the top of her head as she wiggles in my grasp. Her backside rubs against my hardened cock, and it takes everything in me not to release immediately.
“Name?” My voice is harsh, but I cannot be anything but harsh right now. It is taking all of my willpower not to pin her to the grass and push myself inside of her. When she doesn’t answer me immediately, I think of the small creatures that inhabit the trees but keep themselves hidden. “You will be my little floof then.”
She tilts her head up so she can raise one of her eyebrows at me. A question that I will happily answer for her as I haul her over my shoulder and take her to the safety building. The trees have already darkened, which means a storm is coming or night. We will not be outside for either one.
My pale human shrieks when I throw her over my shoulder, but she doesn’t struggle against me. She is my prize, and she knows this. I caught her, and now I get to enjoy my catch.
“A floof is a creature much too small to be used for food. Even the verpar don’t eat them since they are mostly soft, white fur with a morsel of meat on their bones. No, instead of eating them, the verpar chase them down and taunt them since there is nothing a floof can do against a verpar. Much like there is nothing my pale-haired human can do against her mate when he decides he wants her. Isn’t that right?”
A smile tugs at my lips when my human gasps softly, understanding exactly how I view her when she runs from me and causes me to hunt her down.
“You do not have to answer right now, little floof.” I open the door to the safety building and toss her on the lone bed that sits inside. “Just know that you are mine to play with and mine to do as I see fit.”
Her blue eyes look up at me so sweetly, and a pink stains her cheeks so brightly. She must enjoy the things I’m saying, which is good since I cannot make myself quiet now that I have her trapped with me. She opens her mouth a few times, but it is just to lick her lips and take deep breaths like she is trying to calm herself.
“You are scared?” I ask her as I turn to grab the fire lighting supplies. She gives me a whimper of affirmation that has me working quicker to make her a fire. I know this world is much too warm for the human females that visit us, but they need the light that a fire provides to see. I am sure much of her fright is coming from how dark this building must be to her since there are no windows and the door is only slightly ajar.
“Are you scared of me?” I ask after a long moment of silence.
I get the fire started and stay crouched next to it, facing away from my human so she does not fear me even more if that is what’s happening. She seemed so confident and sure of herself when she was all but begging me to chase her out into the trees, but she also told Olivia that she was sent here with another female for Toron, my brother. She said she had to get us away from one another, so maybe her bravery came from wanting to help, and now that she is with me, she is letting her true feelings show.
I thought her smiles in the trees when I was chasing her meant she was happy about this, but now she is in bed, shivering with fright, and I worry I have read everything incorrectly.
A small hand touches my shoulder, and I feel my soul sing praises to the goddess for allowing such a wonderful touch to grace my scales. I don’t dare move in case my human needs time to adjust to being so close to me, but I know I want to spin around, grab her around her waist, and bring her body close to mine.
“Not scared of you,” she says, barely a whisper, but I hear it, and it is the most beautiful string of words I have ever heard.
“Can I face you, little floof?” I ask, praying she says yes so I can bask in her beauty again.
“Please,” her voice is desperate, much like I feel. Maybe all is not lost, and she will still want to mate with me while we are trapped in this safety building together. “I feel called to you. I want to know what you look like.”
I furrow my brows at her because her words are much too kind. She is called to me? What have I done to deserve this blessing, and how can I ensure she does not regret that she is going to be mine? I do not have the answers, but I am eager to find out.
The fire illuminates her pale hair, so she looks more ethereal than anything else. Her cheeks are flushed, and her pale eyes are darkened by the black in the middle of them. My mate is aroused? Is this my doing, or the game we just played with one another? I know my smell can have her aroused quickly, but she has not breathed in from my chest, and she is not acting rabid in need just yet.
She lifts a hand up to my face, and I close my eyes to savor every touch she gives me. She traces the scales of my cheeks before going over the raised bumps that make up my brow. Next, her fingers wrap around my horns, and she strokes them softly. I cannot feel much of her touching them, but it is nice since I can feel her on me. When her fingertips touch my lips, I flick at them with the tip of my tongue, and she gasps when she sees it does not look like hers.
“You will like it on you,” I tell her. I don’t mean it to be seductive, but more so in a sense that she need not be afraid of our differences.
“I’m sure,” she mutters more to herself as her hands slide down my neck until she’s touching my chest. “Can I touch you here?”
“Of course,” I lean away from her so she has more access to my body, wanting her hands everywhere on me. If she wants me stripped completely bare so she can inspect every single scale, I will do it for her. “My body is yours. Just as yours is mine.”
Her eyes flash up to mine, and they crinkle in the corner in a smile. “Not my scary verpar right now, are you?”
“Do you want me to be?” I snatch her hands away from my torso and hold them above her head until she is forced on the tips of her toes. The beast inside of me rejoices as my mate flushes a deeper shade of pink. “You tell me what you need right now, and I will give it to you.”