Page 9 of His Human to Charm
“Are you okay, brother?” he asks. When Toron keeps walking backward towards his chair and finally falls into it. I let the door close and flip the lock into place. Toron was out there defending me, defending the small scraps of dignity I have left, and it’s such a turn-on. I don’t know what happened at the end when he saw me, but I know right now there’s just one thing I need to do to get myself back to thinking right. Something that I don’t need him to know about.
I settle on the bed, thinking about the demon at least two feet taller than me, with claws that look like they could rip me to shreds and a cock bigger than any I’ve ever seen. I imagine what he’ll feel like, settling his weight between my legs, and then I let my imagination take over as my hand plays between my legs.
When I finish, I’ll see if I still feel flustered when I’m around him or if I just need to get off. Maybe this will help me think more rationally, and then I can have an actual conversation with him.
My moans aren’t very loud, and Olivia told me that the demons all have a pretty poor sense of hearing. Still, I imagine Toron can hear me touching myself to thoughts of him. I hope he thinks of me when he touches himself.
The thought brings a sense of clarity to me. I want this giant alien man. I want him to hold me, talk to me, even mate me. It’ll be awkward and difficult for me to talk about, but I can do it. At least, as I’m pleasuring myself, thinking about how good the actual thing will feel, I tell myself I can do it. I’ll see if that confidence stays with me when I actually go speak with him.
Present Day
Two days. My mate has been missing for two days, and I am yet to be close to her as far as I can tell. I follow my instincts once I am out in the trees, going wherever I feel the goddess pulling me. She will not lead me astray. Not now, when it is so important that I find my mate before she is hurt by others of my kind who do not care that she is too small to fight them off.
I have not slept since beginning my search, but I can feel the goddess imbuing me with more and more power to keep me going. I’ve tugged on the tether that ties me to Yril and Dath many times to let them know where I am. I never tug on it too hard, knowing that I will wait to force them to come to me until I have found my mate or am dying.
Earlier today, while I was searching, I felt Yril’s tether snap taunt around my chest, and for a moment, I thought Ralleth had ordered him to be killed for how he acted when he found out Alice was missing. When his tether remained connected to my soul, I knew he was safe, even if he was more than likely hurt.
Yesterday, when I was searching for my mate, a few brothers made their way into my path. They told me Ralleth had sent out many of the brothers to help search for my mate, but they were all expected to return by nightfall when the skies started growing dark. I told them I would not be returning until I had my mate safe in my arms, and they promised they would tell Ralleth of my intentions. Not that any of them were surprised about what I wanted to do, and none of them stuck with me, knowing they would only slow me down. I am stronger, faster, and need less than my brothers, who are not chosen by the goddess. If they were to search with me, they would be left behind because I would not slow myself for any of them.
Being alone in the trees also means I am alone when night falls. The first night I was searching for my mate, I thought about maybe staying in one of the safety buildings so that I would not be attacked by the creatures of the night.
Mostly, I fear the verpar that prowl in small packs at night. When I was younger, I was attacked by one. The only reason I am alive today is that Dath dragged my body into a small den where he killed the verpar cub and hid our bodies during a terrible storm. I still bear the scars of where the mother verpar ripped into my shoulder and tried to kill me.
I have found there is something that scares me so much worse than being attacked by a verpar. Losing my mate by not finding her soon enough is what scares me more than anything and has me running through the trees deep into the night.
I will find my mate, and I will kill all the males who ever thought to harm her. It is the only thing I think of. She is the only thing that keeps my body going when I have had no sleep and no food in so long.
I can feel my hold on my sanity slipping with each moment I am searching for my mate. Maybe I will have completely lost myself by the time I find her, but at least I will have found her. That is truly all that matters.
I lean against one of the massive trees and make a marking on it to tell myself I have come this way. I am well acquainted with the trees that surround the tribe since I have been out hunting for many years now. I am much further from the tribe than I normally ever go, though, and so I must mark the trees so I do not travel in circles. Not that I think the goddess would lead me in circles, but one can never be too sure. Especially when someone so important is in danger.
I finish cutting into the hard tree bark with my claws when I feel a nudge to travel even further away from where I know my tribe is. I have been off the well-traveled path that the other tribes take to get to ours since yesterday, but the goddess is guiding me in this direction.
Ralleth and the others would have traveled the more common trail when they searched for Alice yesterday. If they did not find anyone on the path, it means that whoever took her is more cunning than I would have liked for them to be.
I push off the tree, following the hope I feel in my chest and praying to the goddess that she will help me find my mate before it is too late. When I come across a small stream, I fall to my knees and drink deeply, not caring that my clothing is getting wet or that it will chill my bones when night falls. I drink quickly and drink my fill so that I can continue on.
My stomach rumbles as water sloshes around inside me. I have given it nothing of substance for so long, and it is revolting now that I have drank enough water to fill me. I grit my teeth and force the water to stay inside as I begin my run anew.
My thoughts are of a singular focus, my mate. When I blink, I see her face. When I lose track of time, it is to imagine her in my arms. The longer I search for her, the more lost I become to the thoughts of being with her, even though I know they are not real.
I know I am falling into madness. I know this is what happens to a chosen warrior who is without his mate for so long. Since Dath did not mate his Deja for many days, I had hoped that I still had a few before I found myself completely lost. It seems that the worry I have for my mate and the lack of any physical touching we have done has been worse for me than any of us knew.
Yes, I am lost to the rage and bloodlust because I gnash my teeth at shadows and lunge for tree trunks, thinking they are males that are meant to hurt my female. That is not the madness that concerns me, though. The worst part is the more I drift from myself, the more times I can feel my mate’s touches and hear her sweet voice.
They are figments of my imagination. I know this in the moments of lucidity I have. But when I am not lucid? When I hear her giggles and chase them deeper into the trees? Those are the times that worry me because if I lose myself in my own mind while trying to find her, I may never find her at all.
“Toron.” I hear Alice’s sweet voice call my name, but I know it isn’t real. “Toron, this way.”
I want to ignore the call of my name, ignore my mind playing tricks on me. I am imagining the female calling out to me with a tease in her voice, like she wants me to go to her and hold her. The voice in my head is not my Alice. It is my own creation, trying to make me go wild in need and desire.
Unfortunately, the primal part of me doesn’t care that it isn’t real. I need to know for certain it isn’t actually my Alice calling out my name. I need to make sure she isn’t behind the tree I hear her calling from.
“No, over here.” Her voice is further away this time, no longer behind the tree I have just rounded.