Page 9 of Her Boss
It was an unexpected combination of looks and surprising male magnetism that I had no idea how to handle. Or resist.
I didn’t like the thought, but it had crossed my mind that my seeming fixation on him might have had a least a little something to do with my past.
Uncle Chest wasn’t actually my uncle, not by birth anyway. He was my stepdad’s brother. Chest had been left to raise me when his brother had been killed, and my mom was no longer in the picture. She’d lost custody of me long ago.
While Uncle Chest had taken good care of me, he was never much of a… nurturing sort. I’d understood it too. Many men just weren’t wired for it. But I appreciated what he could give and was grateful for it.
Standing there before his desk though, I’d seen something in Rick that the dim lighting and surrounding storm of distractions of the club hadn’t allowed me to notice before. There was an air about him. That he was a powerful man—both physically and in every other sense of that term—was as obvious as a heart attack. And that power had a draw, a pull on me, I’d never, ever experienced before with any man.
Just being in his presence, I felt like a foolish, silly girl. Wasn’t I supposed to be this strong, modern boss bitch who could take on anything? Well, sure, I could be that. But with him? Why was I so confused and upside down about him?
Because with him, none of that take charge boss bitch shit seems to fit anymore. Not even a little bit. What does that say about you, Gen?
I shook my head, as if that might help me regain my bearings. He’d gotten me badly off-balance, in mere moments, and I needed to get it together. “Look, I’ll do anything you need. I really do want this internship. I know this is… a little weird, considering the circumstances. But… will you at least, I don’t know, give me a chance?”
Thankfully, Rick ended the call, slipping the phone into the breast pocket of his impeccable slate-colored suit. The man most definitely knew how to dress, that was for sure.
“If I do this, there will be… conditions. Are you listening?”
I straightened my back, growing still, demonstrating that I was focused on him like a laser. “Absolutely.”
Why are you suddenly so fixated on his approval?
I’d have to chew on that one later. I was sure I wasn’t going to like the taste either.
“What I should do is march your round little ass out of here, take you by the ear to Chester’s, and drop you off at his door. You shouldn’t be here, especially after our little tête-à-tête at Marco’s club. But because Chester is a friend, I’ll allow this. For now.”
“Thank you, Rick.”
He made a noise uncomfortably close to a growl. “That’s one of the conditions.”
“What is?” I suddenly felt as if I’d swallowed a sock.
“You don’t get to use my name. You haven’t earned that privilege yet.”
“What? Are you seriou?—”
“Be quiet. I meant what I said. It’ll be ‘sir’ or ‘Mr. Trafford’ to you. Got it?”
“I… yes, Mr. Trafford.”
“‘Sir’ was better.”
“Don’t push your luck,” I said, my heart trip-hopping faster. It was unwise to poke the bear, but I just couldn’t help myself.
“The other conditions. You do as you’re told, when you’re told, in the way you’re told. No questions, no backtalk, no smart-assery. Got it?”
“Yes, Mr. Trafford.” I didn’t like the way my nipples hardened at the edge in his voice.
He leaned back in his chair. “If you don’t do exactly as you’re told, there will be consequences. And you will submit to them without protest. Just because you’re an intern, doesn’t mean you aren’t subject to the same rules as all of my other employees. Got that?”
I couldn’t help but wonder what those consequences might entail, and the temptation to ask him was so keen I nearly groaned with it.
I really didn’t like what that was doing to my pussy, the lips now slippery and tingling.
But fortunately, he didn’t give me the chance to get myself into further hot water.
“Now—out of my office.” He plucked his phone out of his pocket, thumbs awhirl upon the screen, the man no longer even looking at me. “Chloe will show you where everything is.”