Page 24 of F*cking Shattered
I shrug. “You just seem mad. How did you know Katie anyway?”
“I’m just a friend of the family… more like an acquaintance actually.”
“Did you ever meet her?” I turn to study him.
He looks at me and answers, “yeah, several times.”
“And?” I feel my brows raise with the question.
“And what?”
I take a deep breath, hoping to gain a little bit of confidence. “Were you in love with her?” I ask because I couldn’t stand sleeping with a guy that is in love with my best friend. It would feel like I am some kind of sad replacement or something.
“No!” His voice raises as he shakes his head at me.
I laugh out loud. “Okay, sorry for asking.”
He crosses his arms over his chest and leans back, watching the road from beneath his lashes as our conversation comes to a screeching halt.
* * *
I drive for most of the day, not stopping until the sun starts to set. We decide to find a cheap motel and some dinner and start back on our way tomorrow.
We’ve only just made it into Arizona, but already, I feel like I’ve been trapped in that car for days.
We find a small town with one gas station, a diner, and a motel. The town practically looks deserted. The pavement is sunbaked, like it hasn’t been maintained in a long time, and weeds are growing up on the shoulders of the road. Wild flowers fill up the large ditches, and I can smell nothing but the hot tar of the pavement, and manure like maybe a farm is nearby.
The only good thing about this place is that all three of the businesses form a triangle. No need to go running through town to find anything. We have everything we need right here to stay the night and pick back up tomorrow.
We leave our bags in the trunk while we walk across the street to get some dinner. When we open the door, the bell rings and all four customers inside look directly at us.
“Not much goes on in this town, I can see,” River whispers in my ear.
I smile and dig my elbow into his ribs, but drag him to a table in the corner, hoping everyone forgets we’re here.
The young waitress greets us and sets down two menus. “Can I start you off with something to drink?”
“Yes, I’ll have an iced tea,” I reply while looking over my menu.
I look up to see the look she’s giving River, and instantly I’m jealous. Doesn’t she see me sitting here? For all she knows, we could be a couple.
She smiles and she bats her obnoxiously fake eyelashes at him. My teeth grind together absentmindedly.
I don’t hear what he tells her over my thoughts, but when she walks away, his laughter cuts through me.
My eyes snap up to his. “What are you laughing at?”
“Could you look any more jealous?”
I scoff. “I’m not jealous.”
“Oh, really?” His eyebrows rise with the question.
“Really,” I state matter-of-factly.
“So you wouldn’t care if I asked her out after her shift then?” He’s not looking at me any longer, he’s looking after the dark haired waitress whose uniform is entirely way too tight.
I feel my eyes grow wide with alarm, but reign in my jealously. “Be my guest. I have no claim to you.”