Page 4 of F*cking Shattered
I grab a tissue from the box on the end table and wipe at my face, trying to rub off any makeup I can. “I’m going to miss this.”
She gives me a sad look, looking up at me from beneath her long lashes while sticking out her bottom lip in a pout. “It’s only three months, and you know you can always come along.”
I shove the thought away with a wave of my hand. “I can’t do that. Sure, you can pay for the trip, but who’s going to pay my bills here when I get back and don’t have a job?”
She smiles, showing me her straight, white teeth. “You can move in with me. Why we were never roommates is beyond me. Why didn’t we get a place together?”
“Because I was determined to support myself, and I knew that would be impossible living with you. Especially with your accountant that pays everything for you. Do you even know what a bill looks like?” I tease her.
“Yes, I’ve seen the stacks you have lying around here.” She sticks her tongue out at me.
I laugh and take another drink before asking, “so what does Seth think of you being gone for three months?”
She begins picking at her perfectly polished fingernail. “I broke up with him,” she says casually.
“What? Why? You two have been together for almost a year.”
She pulls her legs under her and turns her body towards me. “Because this is it, Jo. I’m not being held back. This is the vacation of a lifetime. I’m going to watch the sun rise over the beach with a drink in my hand. If I find a sexy man I want to take back to my hotel, I’m going to take him back to my room. I don’t want my real life holding me back. I want to be free to take every opportunity that comes my way.” She holds her arms out at her side with a fluid movement like she’s prepared to take on the world.
Hearing her confession only makes me feel even more shut off. Why can’t I be more like her? She’s completely free, living however she wants without letting the rules control her. I’m afraid of everything. I’ve never been able to take a chance the way she does.
My head falls back to rest against the couch. “God, I’m so jealous. Why can’t I be more like you?”
She scoots closer to me, pulling my head against her shoulder as she wraps her arms around me. “I love you just the way you are, Jovi. But I admit, you could come out of your shell a little.” She pulls away slightly to look into my eyes. “Promise me you will try this summer. Try to check everything off this list.”
“Katie, that list is just silly. How will doing any of those things help me?”
“Come out of your shell little by little and I promise, by the end of the summer, you’ll be ready to pack up and leave this city behind you.”
“Have a one-night stand?” I question with my voice void of emotion.
She laughs. “Well, start with one of the easier ones.”
“Which is?”
She thinks it over. “Eat something spicy?”
I let out a chuckle. She knows me too well. I don’t eat spicy food.
“Kiss a stranger? Dance in public?” She shakes my knee. “Seriously, the next time we see each other, I want this list crossed off. Promise me that you’ll try. Just try.” The amount of love and friendship shining in her bright blue eyes makes me waver.
I smile. “Okay, I promise.”
She claps and bounces up and down. “Good, this will be the best summer of your life, even if I’m not around.”
Just the thought of her not being around for the summer makes me want to cry. She’s the only person I hang out with. With that, on top of breaking up with Nick, I’m looking at one lonely summer.
She looks at her watch before standing. “I should get going. It’s late and I haven’t packed yet.”
“You’re leaving in five hours and you haven’t packed yet?”
“Na, I figured I’d pack all night and then sleep on the plane,” she says as she slides her feet into her flip flops.
I follow her to the door. “Be safe and call me. A lot!”
She spins around and pulls me in for a hug. “I love you, Jo.”
“I love you too.”