Page 76 of Long Time Gone
“I’m not sure if this will help,” Sloan said. “But my department chair back in Raleigh is the medical consultant for NBC and HAP News. I could reach out to her and see if she could put us in touch with anyone.”
Reid nodded. “That’s a great start. I’ll make some calls of my own and we’ll see what comes of it. But that’s on the agenda for tomorrow. Right now, after that stressful exit, can I get anyone a drink? God knows I need one.”
A few minutes later, two bottles of Margolis Manor cabernet were opened, and they all sat in the living room watching American Events, during which Avery Mason recapped the details of baby Charlotte’s miraculous resurfacing after nearly thirty years. A quick perusing of the channels told them that every major network, as well as the cable news outlets, were reporting on the return of Charlotte Margolis.
Bend, Oregon Thursday, August 1, 2024
FOR TWO STRAIGHT HOURS, AND FOUR BOTTLES OF WINE, SLOAN watched the news coverage with the Margolises. Although Sloan had dipped her toe into the story of her disappearance by perusing old news articles and tabloid magazines, the networks took a deep dive. Old footage from 1995 played across the screen of a fifty-something Reid and Tilly Margolis answering questions outside the gates of their estate. Another shot showed old footage of a press conference conducted by Nevada State Police detectives, during which Reid and Tilly begged the community to come forward with any information about their missing son, daughter in-law, and granddaughter. Sloan watched scenes of detectives pulling boxes from Preston and Annabelle’s home, of Annabelle’s car and the damaged front end, of Baker Jauncey and the idea that the family had skipped town to avoid prosecution. Reid finally shut off the television when the news anchors began repeating themselves.
“That’s about all I can take,” Reid said.
Tilly cried softly as she sat on the couch. When neither Reid nor Ellis consoled her, Nora and Sloan each took one of Tilly’s hands.
“Let’s call it a night,” Ellis said. “We’ll reconvene at breakfast and talk strategy.”
Tilly nodded and allowed Sloan and Nora to help her from the couch. Reid came over and took Tilly under the arm.
“Ellis, can you show Sloan her room?”
“We’ve got it,” Nora said.
Reid led Tilly out of the living room and into the hallway, where they disappeared into the first-floor bedroom.
“The staff took your bags to the guest cottage,” Ellis said. “We thought you’d be more comfortable in your own space.”
Sloan smiled and nodded. “That’s fine. Whatever works best.”
“I’ll get Sloan settled,” Nora said. “Why don’t you go to bed. I’ll be up in a little bit.”
Ellis nodded and kissed Nora before heading upstairs. Sloan followed Nora out the front door and along a lighted walking path. The guest cottage was bigger than Sloan’s apartment in Raleigh. It featured a full kitchen, a large living space, a bedroom with a king bed, and a massive bathroom. The sliding door off the living room led to the pool deck.
“I hope this is okay,” Nora said.
“Are you kidding me? It’s beautiful.”
“Can I get you anything before bed?”
“I think I’m good. Well, there is one thing, I guess. I’m still hoping to develop those photos.”
“Of course. We can do it tomorrow.”
“You said you have a darkroom here?”
“Yes. Ellis put it in for me right after we were married. We used to come up here every weekend. I needed a place to develop my pictures, so Ellis had Lester convert an old walk-in closet in the cellar into a darkroom. It’s in the main house. It’s stocked with everything we need. Let’s take a look tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” Sloan nodded. “Let’s do that.”
A moment later Sloan was alone in the guest cottage. She watched through the front window as Nora walked back to the main house and disappeared into the darkness. She grabbed her phone and made a quick call to her parents, letting them know where she was and getting an update on the media onslaught back in Raleigh. There were still news vans parked outside their home and at her parents’ practice, but Todd and Dolly hadn’t uttered a word to any reporters.
Her next call was to Eric.
“Did you make it up to the cabin?” Eric said when he answered. “I’m still at the sheriff’s department, but this town is teeming with reporters.”
“No. I’m in Oregon.”