Page 101 of End Game
The bodyguard dropped his phone, mouthed a name, and disappeared into the crowded bar.
“Stay here.” Ash threw the sharp command at Kayla before ripping open the Cellar’s door and giving chase.
He recalled another time, at Hemingway’s, when the Ranger had sat inside the establishment to ensure his employer’s safety. Why hadn’t he considered the possibility the second his unease surfaced?
Sprinting through the bar, he ignored the bartender’s shouts and crashed through the rear entrance that led to a back alley. A jean and black T-shirt clad figure caught his attention.
“Wade, stop! We can work something out.”
The Ranger didn’t acknowledge his command. In fact, he seemed to turn on the damn turbos. For such a big, muscle-bound guy, the Ranger could book.
Ash pursued, wishing he had worn his HOKA running shoes rather than his thin-soled Oxfords.
The Ranger burned around the corner and descended a set of stairs that led to a public parking lot.
Ash pumped everything he had into his legs. If Wade made it to his vehicle, he would go so far off the grid they’d never track him down.
He screeched to a halt as soon as he hit the lot and searched for the Ranger’s dark head. Nothing.
“Ash!” Barreling around the corner, Kayla ran down the sidewalk, parallel to the parking lot, pushing her way through pedestrians. She pointed at a gunmetal Ram truck roaring up the hill toward Haywood Street.
He bit out a string of curses before hustling to Kayla’s side.
Breathing hard, the lobbyist balanced on one foot while she locked a four-inch heel onto her other. She’d taken her damned shoes off in order to chase after him and Wade.
“Didn’t I say to stay put?” he bit out.
“Do I look like someone who takes orders from a man?”
“I’m not just any man.” He jammed his fingers through his hair. “I’m a law enforcement officer in pursuit of a suspected murderer. I cannot focus on my job if I’m worried about you getting hurt.”
Her defensive stance eased, and she threw her arms around his neck. “You scared me when you took off.”
Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her in close. Kissed her neck. “I can handle myself, but only if I know you’re safe.”
She nodded. “Where’s your car? We should go after him.”
“Wade’s in the wind. The only way we’ll find him is if he wants us to.”
“What about his daughter?”
“As soon as we tracked down Grimball, Wade knew his days were numbered. Jozi’s no doubt tucked away with someone he trusts.”
“What do you suggest we do, then?”
He brushed a stray lock away from her cheek, then curled his hand around hers. “Come on, we need to talk.”
After collecting Crispy and a hastily packed overnight bag, Ash found himself rocketing down I-40 west toward the one place where Kayla would be safe.
Steele Ridge.
The closer he got to his family’s compound, the more knotted his stomach became. He was about to ask his brother Zeke for a favor and he had no idea of his reception after their falling-out yesterday.
Getting Kayla away from the city and all of her responsibilities would also give them an opportunity to have a long, uninterrupted chat. His pulse kicked up a notch when his mind flashed back to Wade mouthing the name of who put a hit on the governor.