Page 157 of End Game
Kayla smiled. “Very romantic.”
Jozi grinned. “My dad used to work for you.”
“That’s right. He was an indispensable part of my team.”
“If he was so indispensable, why is he no longer on your team?”
“Jozi, for chrissake?—”
“It’s a legitimate question, Dad.”
“A rude one.”
“No worries,” Kayla said. “I like a young person who isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions.”
Jozi lifted a brow, and waited.
“Business relationships are like personal relationships,” Kayla said. “Sometimes they have an expiration date.”
“Which doesn’t really answer my question.”
“Enough, Jozi. Why I no longer work for Kayla is between her and me. Just like why you and hippie-boy no longer hang out is between you and him.”
“For the hundredth time, his name is Bodhi.”
Wade leveled a look her way, as if to say, Your point?
A note of frustration rumbled in Jozi’s throat.
Ash couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so entertained.
“I understand you’re majoring in environmental science,” Kayla said.
“That’s right.”
“Do you have an internship lined up?”
“Not yet.”
“I’ll be losing my longtime intern, who dealt with environmental issues, at the end of this school year. I’m looking for someone to replace her, someone who could shadow her over the next year and learn the ropes. Someone unafraid of big personalities.”
“Are you offering me a job?”
“If your dad approves, of course.”
Jozi turned excited eyes on her father.
“What’s the pay? My daughter isn’t working her ass off for free.”
“No,” Kayla said, “it’s okay. This is a business arrangement, and you should always hear what’s on the table.” Kayla fingered a card out of the front pocket of her purse and handed it to Jozi. “I pay ten dollars over minimum wage?—”
“Ten dollars?” Jozi interrupted, her eyes wide with excitement.
“Plus expenses, including mileage. If you don’t have a vehicle, you can use a company car. My employment package also covers full tuition, room, and board.”
A stunned silence swept over their small group, and all the color leached from Wade’s face.