Page 98 of End Game
“War games?”
She shrugged a shoulder. “They act out different scenarios, like SWAT teams.”
The moment the words were out of her mouth, she grasped their implication. Shocked, she stared at Ash, feeling a volatile mix of disbelief and betrayal. “He couldn’t have, Ash. I can’t believe he would do something so cold-blooded to someone I loved.”
“There could be a reasonable explanation for why his blood was on the tree trunk.” He hooked a knuckle beneath her chin and lifted until her unfocused gaze met his. “How did you come to know Wade?”
“My previous driver moved to Charleston when his wife’s company transferred her.”
“Did you go through an agency or was he a referral?”
“From your previous driver?”
She shook her head. “Aunt Sybil. Her son served with Mason.”
“I need you to do me a favor.”
“Call Wade and have him pick you up.”
Kayla looked at him in horror, and Ash’s heart constricted as if he’d delivered the shitty news about Wade all over again.
“We need to bring him in for questioning, but the task force hasn’t been able to locate him. If we can get him to come to us, it’ll be easier for everyone, including Wade.”
“But he’ll know I betrayed him.”
“He’s a potential killer. I don’t think betrayed is the right word.”
“Either way, our relationship ends.”
“I can’t say that chokes me up.”
“What if you’re wrong? What if he’s not the killer?”
Two women exited the bar, releasing the erratic thump of nineties music.
“Wade’s a big boy. He’ll understand the situation. If anything, he’ll blame me for pressuring you into doing it.”
She squeezed her eyes closed and drew in several deep breaths. “There has to be a better way.”
“There are other options.”
Her eyes hooked into his. “Which are?”
“A team could hit his place tonight, while he’s asleep. Or they could snag him tomorrow morning, during breakfast with his daughter. Or they could?—”
She held up a hand. “I get it. I don’t need any more visual images of him being treated like a criminal.”
Guilt arced through his body. He hated playing off her loyalties toward her employees, but Ash couldn’t stomach the thought of Kayla being alone with the Ranger again.
Wade probably had his place drowning in security and had a failsafe escape plan. But Kayla calling him for a pickup? As common as grass growing.
“Make the call, and I’ll take care of the rest.”