Page 25 of Surprised By Her
She nodded and turned back to Erin.
Mom was watching sports and Mama was baking a cake when I got home. I went to the kitchen to make myself a snack plate and chat with Mama before heading to my favorite chair in Mama’s office to read the day away.
I wondered if Ryan was doing the same thing with her new book. I hoped she liked it.
I opened the cover of the first book I wanted to read and closed it a few seconds later. I grabbed my phone instead, looking up Ryan Jewel online. Mostly what I found were articles about her father with her name mentioned. She did have some social media accounts, but they were all set to private, and I wasn’t going to request to follow her. Disappointed, I set my phone aside and went back to my book.
Layne stopped in to visit with Sydney on Monday afternoon.
“The girls are down the street at the boutique. They’ve helped out for years, but now since they’re older Sadie has given them more responsibility,” she said. The Rizo clothing boutique was a bit out of my price range, but they did have really nice clothes. When I saved up a little more money I might stop in to update my wardrobe. Everything I currently owned came from thrift stores or big box discount stores.
“That’s good. Put ‘em to work,” Sydney said. “They should learn now that nothing comes for free.”
“Isn’t that the truth?” Layne said, and then turned to me. “Hey, Everly, I also came in to ask you a favor.”
“Me?” I asked. What could she need from me?
“Yeah, I’ve seen you talking to Ryan a few times, and I was wondering if maybe you could ask her if she wants to hang out.”
“Me?” I repeated.
Layne nodded. “Yeah. She doesn’t really open up to…well, anyone, and she’s been kind of holed up in her rental unless I drag her out or she goes for a swim by herself at the beach. She’ll hang out with the twins, but I’m trying to get her to come out of her shell and talk with other adults and hoped you might want to help?”
It was a strange request, but not out of step with what I knew about Layne. “She wants to fix everyone,” Sydney told me before I met her the first time. I guess Ryan wasn’t immune from that urge.
“Oh, I don’t know…” I said, trailing off. Wouldn’t Ryan see right through me if I did that?
“Just think about it,” Layne said, holding up one hand. “She’s had a rough time of it lately.”
Had she? I tried not to lean forward too much with interest.
Layne sighed. “Yeah, there was a breakup and then her ex got married like three months later to one of their mutual friends. But I didn’t tell you that.” She pointed at me with emphasis.
“Tell me what?” I asked.
Layne grinned. “Exactly.”
“Layne, do you really think setting Ryan up on a friend date is what you need to be doing? What does Honor think about that?”
Layne snorted. “She told me to stop meddling, but she tells me that about everything.”
Sydney gave Layne a look.
“If people would just do what I think they should, then I wouldn’t have to meddle,” Layne said.
Sydney laughed. “I guess you’re right.”
They fell back into conversation about other things while I went into the back to pack orders and think about what Layne had asked me to do. First of all, how would I even approach Ryan about this? I didn’t have her number, didn’t know where she lived, had had no contact with her other than running into her.
Right then, I made a deal with myself. If I somehow bumped into Ryan in the next two days, then I had to ask her to hang out. That way, it was out of my hands.
I had to stop at the convenience store just outside of Arrowbridge after work to pick up some deodorant, face wash, and some candy as a little gift for my parents. I was choosing between two candy bar options for myself when I felt someone standing behind me.
“Can’t decide?” the person said, just as a wave of familiar scent hit my nose.
“Ryan,” I said as I turned around. It hadn’t even been four hours since I’d seen Layne. “At this point, I’m going to have to ask if you’re stalking me.”
She reached for some mints and shook her head.