Page 34 of Surprised By Her
“No, but I’m assuming you’re renting a house. I wouldn’t bring you back to mine unless you want to meet my parents,” I said.
Ryan was silent for a second.
“I’m not asking to go back to your house for like, sex. We could just hang out, watch a movie. Talk. Eat the rest of my pizza. Not in a sexual way,” I said, the words falling out of my mouth.
Ryan’s lips twitched, as if she was hiding a smile.
“So you don’t want to come back to my place for sex?” she asked.
“I mean…” I said, fumbling. I had no idea how to answer her question.
“Yes?” she prompted.
“Hey, you’re the one who kissed me out of the blue,” I said. I wasn’t trying to throw it in her face, but it had happened.
Ryan nodded. “I did.”
“Why?” I asked. “That’s been bugging me for weeks. Why did you kiss me?”
Ryan lifted one hand and stroked the side of my face.
“Because I wanted to,” she said in a low voice.
“And do you want to do it again?” I asked, not sure if I was ready to hear the answer.
She exhaled through her nose and leaned closer to me. “Yes.”
It was difficult to breathe, but I didn’t care.
“What’s stopping you?” I asked.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” she asked.
Now the spotlight was on me.
“Hell yes,” I said, and she chuckled. “Sorry.”
“Never apologize for your enthusiasm, Everly,” she said. “It’s one of your best qualities.”
Why were we still talking? Why wasn’t she kissing me? As much as I wanted to hear about my other good qualities, I wanted her mouth more, so I took matters into my own hands, reaching up and gripping the back of her neck, pulling slightly to reduce the difference in our heights.
Kissing someone as tall as Ryan required a little bit of maneuvering on both our parts.
Ryan let out a little sound that was so cute that I smiled before our lips met.
After only a tiny bit of contact, Ryan broke the kiss and I found myself being picked up again. This time she set me on the hood of her car and widened her stance.
“There,” she said, satisfied, and then she was kissing me again, this time with that same intensity and fierceness from the very first day. I was swept away again, completely lost to physical sensation. Her tongue teased before venturing into my mouth and tangling with mine.
The candle heiress was kissing me, and I’d never experienced anything like this.
Everything was perfect except that the hood of the car wasn’t that comfortable. I kept trying to adjust myself, and Ryan noticed.
“Everything okay?” she said in between little kisses.
“Take me to your place,” I said. “Please.” I wasn’t above begging her to take me home. My dignity and pride had gone out the window the moment she kissed me again. Right now I needed her, and I couldn’t have her the way I wanted in this parking lot.
She pulled back and I couldn’t see her through the lenses of my fogged-up glasses.