Page 59 of Surprised By Her
“Relaxing,” she agreed as we tapped our glasses together.
“This is blowing my mind,” I said as the server took away our plates. “I feel like so much fancy food is like, one scallop on a piece of wilted lettuce with a smear of cranberry sauce or something, but this is good.”
The food was both hearty and fresh and substantial. I was going to have to struggle to have room for dessert.
The wine that Ryan had picked out was excellent, and I was doing my best not to think about how much this evening was going to cost. Of course, Ryan had the money, but still.
“Uncle Mark is having a barbecue this weekend,” she said as I tried not to lick my plate. I’d had the salmon and the sauce was so good I wanted to eat it with a spoon.
“Did you want to come?” she asked.
“Oh, uh…” I said.
Ryan put her fork down. She’d methodically demolished her strip steak with neat little bites. I wondered if she wanted to order another one.
“This is a completely no-pressure invitation. I just wanted you to know that you could come. It will just be Uncle Mark, Aunt Sadie, Layne, and Honor. Just family.”
That didn’t sound so bad. Definitely better than the pool party.
“Can I think about it and let you know later in the week when I see how I feel?” I asked.
“Of course,” she said. “Think about it and let me know.”
And that was that. No further pressure, no telling me it was all going to be fine, that I was being dramatic.
“I will,” I said.
In addition to a slice of chocolate mousse cake, Ryan got us a cheese plate.
“What do you think your parents would like?” she asked me.
“Mama would kill me if I didn’t bring the chocolate mousse cake, and Mom would want the cheesecake.”
We ordered both of those to go, and I hoped they would be safe going on the helicopter.
Ryan sat back in her chair and looked out at the falls.
“I’m glad I could share this with you,” she said.
“I’m glad you did,” I said. “Now, is the helicopter on call all the time? Because it would be cool to have that for when the traffic is really bad.”
She laughed.
“I’m not the president,” she said. “But that would be cool.”
I wanted to ask more questions about the helicopter situation, but I didn’t want to dig too much or make her feel weird about it, so I didn’t. Dessert arrived and I couldn’t help myself from eating an entire piece of cake in a few bites.
“Do you want another?” Ryan asked.
“No,” I said. “Definitely not. I think I’d explode.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, and I bit my lip.
“Will you help me if I can’t finish it?” I asked.
“I’ll always help you finish,” she said, leaning forward and winking.
All of a sudden, I wasn’t as interested in the cake.