Page 86 of Surprised By Her
Ryan pressed me up against the wall. “Oh, I think it’s all right.”
I let out a whimper as her mouth descended on mine and her soapy hand stroked the sensitive area between my legs.
“I can’t come again,” I said into her mouth.
“You will, though,” she said. “You’ll come for me.”
We both knew I would, but two could play at that game. I reached for her as well, finding her slick and ready. “Only if you come too.”
“It’s a deal,” she gasped out as I thrust my fingers inside her.
“It’s weird having you here,” I said as we lay in bed later. I knew I needed to sleep, but I was too busy staring at Ryan, holding her. Wondering how much time we had left together. She’d said she was staying the summer, but what did that mean? Did “summer” end in August? September? I both did and didn’t want to know.
“Weird, good?” she asked. “Or weird, bad?”
“Definitely weird, good,” I said, running my finger down the bridge of her nose.
“You know, your hair is fading again,” she said.
“Wow, that’s insulting,” I said with a laugh.
“No, I mean, I can make you an appointment to get it done again,” she said.
“You don’t have to do that,” I said, and at the same time I absolutely wanted her to do that. Making my hair appointments was a nightmare. My social anxiety extended to making phone calls, even for something as casual as a hair appointment.
“Let me,” she said. “Just tell me when you want to go and I’ll set it up and drive you.”
I knew I should argue, but I didn’t. I kissed her and said, “Okay.”
“Good morning, girls,” Mama sang when Ryan and I came down the next morning. I had to admit, waking up next to Ryan in my bed was amazing. Sure, her place was nice, but seeing her getting ready in my room, brushing her teeth in my bathroom, was a whole other feeling and I liked it. I liked having her in my space.
“Good morning,” I said, stifling a yawn. “Are you going for a run?” I asked Ryan.
“No, I can wait,” she said, but her body was twitchy. She loved her morning run before breakfast.
“Oh, if you want to go on a run, I’d be happy to go with you,” Mom said. “You might have to slow the pace a bit and take pity on my poor knees, but I’m game.”
Ryan hesitated for a second and then she smiled. “Sounds good.”
She went back upstairs and changed into her running outfit and joined Mom, who wore her standard uniform of shorts and a T-shirt. I’d filled Ryan’s water bottle that she’d brought with her and handed it to her.
“Have a good run,” I said, tilting my face up for a kiss. “We’ll have breakfast ready when you get back.”
“Looking forward to it,” she said, cradling my face and then kissing me softly.
Mom and Mama kissed and then the runners set off and I joined Mama at the stove.
“You two look very happy together,” Mama said, almost vibrating with excitement.
“We’re just having fun,” I said. “It’s not serious.”
Mama set her spatula down and turned off the stove.
“Everly Candace, we both know that’s a lie,” she said, crossing her arms. “That girl looks at you like you’re the sun. And you look at her the same way.”
“It’s just a summer thing. We haven’t made any promises to each other. She’s leaving. She’s not going to stay here. She doesn’t belong here.” She belonged at the country club and in boardrooms and red carpets and helicopters. She didn’t belong with me. We didn’t belong with each other. Our worlds were too different.
“Sweetie, what you’re saying doesn’t line up with what I’m seeing. She adores you. What casual relationship would come and have dinner with her hookup’s parents? She is literally on a run with your mom right now. That doesn’t say casual to me. Not at all,” she said.