Page 13 of Allured By Her
“I’m going to a party tonight,” I said. My plan had been to not tell Ingrid about Tenley, but I’d also never kept anything from her.
“What party?” Ingrid asked, kicking her feet up on the coffee table.
“Tommy Webb’s. One of those barn parties,” I said, and Ingrid sat up straight and stared at me.
“We hate those people,” she said, incredulous.
“I know. I’m doing a favor for someone,” I said, not meeting her eyes.
“Doing a favor for who?” she asked.
I took a breath and braced myself. “Tenley Hill.”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“Tenley Hill,” I said. “It’s a long story, but I’m going with her to the party as a favor and she’s going to owe me for it.”
Ingrid shook her head at me. “I don’t understand most of the words that just came out of your mouth. I thought you hated Tenley?”
“Oh, I do. She makes me miserable every day,” I said, nodding.
Ingrid made a frustrated sound. “Does she have something on you? Is it blackmail?”
“No, it’s just…look, it’s complicated, okay? She came into Common Grounds and she was a mess and I just…offered to help. I can’t explain it. But you know I’ve always wanted to go to one of those parties,” I said. Saying that you didn’t want to be invited anyway was one way to make yourself feel better about not being invited in the first place.
Ingrid gazed at me for a few seconds and I could see all the thoughts and questions swirling in her mind, but she didn’t voice them.
“I think this is a terrible idea, but you already know that it is. I’ll just be here to say ‘I told you so’ when this blows up in your face. And I’ll be there to give you a ride if you need, always.”
“Wow, so supportive,” I said, but I smiled at her.
“Hey, maybe everyone has matured since high school and left petty bullshit behind and you’ll have a wonderful time,” she said.
“Highly doubtful,” I said.
“Mama?” a little voice called from down the hall.
“Duty calls,” Ingrid said, getting up.
* * *
That evening before I went over to Tenley’s I spent way too long adjusting my outfit and fiddling with my makeup and changing my earrings before I finally forced myself to stop. I took a mirror pic and sent it to Lark, who was out for the day with Sydney.
Hot as fuck she sent in response.
I headed over to Tenley’s house and was already annoyed when I parked in her driveway.
The house was new and large and perfect. White, of course, with light blue shutters. If it was owned by someone else, I would have said it was nice, but it was tainted by being owned by Tenley.
I got out and knocked on the door. Loudly, knowing it would annoy her. I was on board with pretending to be her girlfriend, but I was going to make her suffer a little in the process. Otherwise, what was the point? I was going to hold all of this over her for the rest of our lives. Not to mention the favor she owed me. I’d have to come up with something really good.
Since Tenley didn’t answer the door immediately, I kept knocking, pounding harder and harder until I heard loud cursing on the other side before the door opened.
“Jesus fuck, what is wrong with you?” she said, glaring at me.
“It is I, your fake girlfriend, at your service,” I said, doing a little curtsy with the skirt.
Tenley’s eyes flicked up and down my outfit, and I saw her take note of the slit in my skirt.