Page 63 of Allured By Her
“Yes! I did, okay. Don’t make a big thing about it,” she said. The confident girl who called herself adorable was gone and I didn’t know who this timid person was.
“Tenley, you wrote a book. That’s fucking amazing,” I said, and she glanced up in surprise.
“Really?” she said.
“Yes, really. You’re extremely talented, holy shit,” I said, floored by this information.
Tenley’s smile was so sweet and so heartbreaking at the same time and it took my breath away. Fuck. She was so beautiful it hurt to look at her.
Tenley leaned closer to me, her cheeks rosy from the praise and her eyes lit up so much that they glowed.
“You’re fucking talented, Tenley Hill,” I said, and I didn’t know who moved first, but before I realized what was happening, her lips were on mine and her tongue was in my mouth.
Did it really matter how it happened? Not so much. It only mattered that it was happening, finally.
Finally, finally, finally.
Tenley pulled me into her lap and dug her fingers into my skin hard enough to bruise and still, it wasn’t close enough.
I craved more, needed more.
There was no time to think about Tenley being straight, or her being my fake ex-girlfriend or that she’d literally just broken up with her boyfriend of like seven years. There was only Tenley and me and our bodies in a heated conversation that I was powerless to stop, even if I wanted to.
I didn’t.
Her hands yanked up my dress and I pulled at her jeans and both of us got frustrated.
“Wait,” she said, pulling back. Fuck. She had probably come to her senses and was going to tell me to get off her.
“Yeah?” I said, my chest heaving as I looked down at her. Tenley’s hair was still pulled back and I really wanted to take it down so I could run my fingers through it. Maybe pull on it a little and see if she liked that. I knew I did.
“We need to approach this logically,” she said, and I blinked at her.
“Logically?” There wasn’t a whole lot of logic driving any of my actions right now. Logic had been banished from my mind, at least for the time being.
“Yes, either you need to take off your dress first, or I need to take off my shirt first. It’s almost impossible to do both things at the same time,” she said, and I burst out laughing.
“You are a strange and beautiful creature, Tenley,” I said, capturing her lips again.
“I hope that’s a compliment,” she said, arching one eyebrow.
“It is. It definitely is,” I said, and even though I liked talking to her, I cared more about getting her naked. Her tits had occupied my thoughts far more times than I was willing to admit.
But since I was the more experienced one, at least with having sex with women, I chose to take the lead by pulling down the zipper in the corner of my dress and sliding one of the straps down my arm.
Tenley’s pupils dilated and that made me feel fucking amazing. There was no question that she wanted me. Wanted this. The sexuality discussion could happen later. Much later.
Right now, my only goal was to get her naked and to get her sitting on my face so I could fuck her senseless with my tongue.
Reluctantly I left her lap to get my dress the rest of the way off. Underneath I wore a simple tan seamless bra and boyshort bottoms. They weren’t the sexiest thing in my wardrobe, but that didn’t seem to matter to Tenley.
I kicked the dress aside and waited as Tenley visually devoured me from my ears to my neck to my chest to my stomach and all the way down my legs even to my toes.
“You’re gorgeous,” she breathed. “When did that happen?” Her voice had a dreamy quality, as if she couldn’t quite believe this was happening. Well, neither could I.
Even two weeks ago, if you told me that I would be standing in front of Tenley Hill, ready to get her naked and sweaty, I would have said you should probably take fewer edibles.
Here I was, and here she was, and she looked at me as if she wanted to devour me. It was only polite to let her. My parents hadn’t taught me much, but they had taught me manners.