Page 10 of Ravished By Her
The bath and shower to wash and rinse my hair revived me. I wrapped myself in a towel and realized I didn’t have a change of clothes but just then someone knocked on the door. Sterling handed me a stack of her clothes.
“Thanks,” I said. Since we were exactly the same size, theoretically we could share our wardrobe, but our styles were so different that it wasn’t something we often did. Now, though, it was nice.
I pulled on a dark T-shirt and soft shorts before brushing out my hair and using whatever products were available to smooth it before leaving the bathroom. I wanted to braid it so I’d have nice waves when I took it out tomorrow, but my arms were too sore.
Sterling and Kai were just plating up dinner when I came out.
“Thank you,” I said, taking my plate from Sterling and grabbing some utensils that they’d laid out. I was half ready to forgo the fork and use my hands, I was so hungry.
“Today was good. We got a lot done,” I said as I sat on the couch with them and stabbed at my food.
“Did Lacey help, or did you do everything?” Sterling asked as I tried not to stuff my face.
“She helped,” I said. “But she didn’t seem to want to talk. Oh, I almost forgot, the leopard is in the backseat of my car. She said you could have it.”
Sterling’s eyes lit up and I thought she was going to jump right up and fetch it from my car.
“Please thank her for me,” Sterling said. “If you find any other weird stuff you think I might like, send me a picture. Maybe I’ll come with you and help out to see if there are more treasures.”
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t need you to come help me. It wouldn’t be professional to have my sister coming to my job. I’ll keep my eyes out.” Although, I had no idea that she would have wanted the leopard, so who knew what other strange items she’d adore.
“Fine, fine,” Sterling said, rolling her eyes. “It’s not like I’d come to embarrass you.”
“I know,” I said. “I just really want to do this on my own.” Independence had been harder for me growing up with an identical twin. I’d done my best to assert myself as an individual, but people were always mistaking me for Sterling. At least until she decided to tattoo every inch of her body. Now it was easy for anyone to tell us apart.
“I get it,” Sterling said, resting her head on my shoulder. When we were younger we’d been very affectionate, but as we’d gotten older, I’d pushed her away in an effort to separate myself. Still, it felt good to sit close to my sister and wear her clothes that smelled so familiar.
I’d really fucking missed her these past few years when she’d been flitting around the country in her van. Like an essential part of myself had been missing for so long. I’d learned to live with it, but now… Now I could see my sister every day again. At least until I went back to Boston. Maybe I should use this time not only to build my career, but to rebuild my relationship with Sterling.
I leaned my head until it rested on top of hers and felt her let out a soft little sigh.
“Would you braid my hair for me?” I asked and she sat up.
“Yeah, of course,” she said. “Now?”
I’d destroyed my plate, so I took it to the dishwasher and came back to sit on the floor in front of Sterling. It was almost like going back in time when we used to do each other’s hair before school or dances.
Sterling hummed softly to herself as she parted my hair and combed it out before starting one of the braids. It felt good to have her fingers in my hair and I closed my eyes for a moment.
“I’m going to take a shower,” Kai said softly, leaving me and Sterling together in the living room.
“When was the last time we did this?” Sterling asked as she tilted my head so she could braid down the back of my head.
“I don’t even remember,” I said. Sterling finished one braid, tying off the end and then starting the second.
“I’m happy to do it whenever you want,” Sterling said.
Sterling finished my second braid in silence, and I lifted my hand to touch the new braids across my head.
“Thanks,” I said, getting up and sitting next to her on the couch.
“Anytime, Gwennie,” she said.
Chapter Four
“Are you going to bring me breakfast every day?” Lacey asked the next morning when I arrived with coffee and a donut for her again.