Page 3 of Ravished By Her
“You worked on a food truck,” I said, turning to look at her.
“Same difference,” she said, pointing a spatula at me. “A kitchen is a kitchen.”
I rolled my eyes but didn’t argue with her.
“If you ever want to come to book club with us, you’re welcome,” Kai said.
I shrugged.
“I know it sounds…well. Let’s say I wasn’t a fan of it when Karissa first told me about it. I was basically dragged there kicking and screaming, but once I went, I ended up loving it. Very low pressure. You don’t even have to talk, and they have themed drinks and snacks and dessert.” The food did appeal to me, but if there was one place I’d have to do chitchat, it would be a book club.
“I’ll think about it,” I told Kai, because I didn’t want to say no outright. She was being more than kind by letting me hang around with her and my sister and letting me borrow her books.
“You only came back because I was there and you were obsessed with me,” Sterling said, winking across the room at Kai, who blushed.
“I was not obsessed with you,” Kai said.
“She was absolutely obsessed with me,” Sterling stage whispered.
I couldn’t help but smile as they pretended to argue with each other as Kai got up and went to put her arms around Sterling.
No idea where they landed on if Kai was obsessed or not, but it didn’t seem to matter as they started kissing and I had to look away.
“Dinner,” Kai finally said with a little gasp. “We should have dinner.”
“Yes, food,” Sterling said, and I didn’t think either of them was thinking about anything but each other. If I wasn’t here, I had no doubt that they’d be running to the bedroom and ripping each other’s clothes off.
Somehow, they got themselves under control and we had a nice dinner together. The food was delicious, and I offered to take the plates and stack the dishwasher and put away the leftovers as they sat together on the couch and talked in low voices, trading heated looks.
“Thank you for dinner,” I said, drying my hands and then heading for the door. Some nights I’d stick around and read or watch something with them, but this was one of those nights when I was more than happy that the house only had one bedroom so I didn’t have to hear anything.
“I’ll see you for breakfast tomorrow,” Sterling said, her eyes not leaving Kai’s face as she tucked some of Kai’s dark hair behind her ear.
I didn’t even respond as I shut the door and headed to the van. Alone.
Chapter Two
Several days later, Sterling seemed overly excited when I stopped over for dinner.
“I think I have a job for you,” she said before I’d even had a chance to take my shoes off. Kai was out with her friend Karissa tonight, so it was just me and Sterling.
“What kind of job?” I asked, instantly wary.
“No, no, it’s perfect for you,” Sterling said, as if she was already preparing to sell me on it. “I was in Common Grounds and heard someone asking the baristas if they knew anyone who would help with the cleaning and staging of a house to sell. Of course, I thought of you immediately and got her to give me some details and her email.” She handed me her phone, where she’d taken down some notes.
“I don’t know,” I said after I’d read through the scant details.
“Why not? Isn’t this literally what you want to do?” Sterling said, taking her phone back.
“It is…” I said. This had been what I’d been hoping to find here. Get a few jobs under my belt with spectacular pictures for my website. Results and testimonials I could use to build my credibility.
I hadn’t even approached any local real estate agents yet about my work because I still hadn’t completed everything on my launch preparation. This was too early.
But if I didn’t grab this potential job, what if something else didn’t come around? I should at least take a look and see if I could do this. And see how much it would pay. Being too selective about potential clients could seriously bite me in the ass if I let it.
Sterling sent me an email and I immediately sent the woman a message. I was honest about the fact that I was building a new business, but that was to her advantage because I could give her 100 percent of my attention, and she would get a better deal from me than from someone more experienced.
“There,” I said after I’d finished the email and sent it off.