Page 33 of Ravished By Her
Lacey rolled her eyes. “Technically, yes, you could call it that. But I think of brunch as more of a quiche lorraine and mimosa kind of thing. I’m thinking more bacon and potatoes and pancakes and coffee.”
“That sounds perfect,” I said, because it did.
Lacey got cooking and I asked if I could help, but she said she had it under control, so I took a seat at one of the stools on the other side of the kitchen island and watched.
“How do you like your bacon?” she asked me.
“Crisp, please,” I said.
“Good answer.”
I snorted. “I’m glad my bacon preferences meet with your approval.”
Watching her cook was making my crush more intense. Lacey moved with confidence in the kitchen and she effortlessly managed multiple burners and she even poached eggs when I said those were my favorite.
“I can show you how to poach an egg,” she said when I told her I’d never mastered the technique.
“I’d rather watch you do it,” I said and the second the words were out of my mouth, I realized how they sounded. Lacey turned around and met my eyes, but she didn’t say anything. She just gave me a look and then turned back around.
Fuck. Had I ruined it?
Lacey filled up a plate for me and asked if I needed any condiments.
“Do you have any truffle oil? I couldn’t possibly eat my eggs without truffle oil,” I said, adopting a haughty tone.
“I actually do have truffle oil, if you want it.” She held up a bottle and then gave it to me.
“I was actually joking, but since you have this, I’m not going to turn it down.” I drizzled just a touch of the oil on my eggs. Lacey put hot sauce on hers and sat on the other stool next to me.
“This is wonderful, thank you,” I said as I dug in. Everything was perfect, including the bacon.
“I’m so used to cooking for two people that I never got out of the habit. Now I just put the second serving away and eat leftovers a lot,” she said, crunching on the bacon.
“My sister is so happy that she has someone else to cook for. Part of the reason I think she’s glad to have me here is so she can feed me.”
Lacey chuckled. “I think it’s more than that. I’m sure she’s thrilled to have you around.”
“To be honest, I missed her more than I was willing to admit to myself,” I said, surprised at the candor of my own words.
Lacey added some more hot sauce to her eggs.
“You missed her.”
I glanced over at her and couldn’t believe how good she looked in this lighting. That was another selling point. The natural light from the windows makes people look fresh and fuckable.
My sister. We were talking about my sister. Get your mind out of the gutter, Gwen.
“I did miss her. Too much. I think I adjusted to it, but there was always something missing.” I shrugged one shoulder. “I’m a complete person without her, but things are definitely better when she’s around.”
“You’re lucky to have someone like that,” she said, and I didn’t miss the slight bitter edge in her tone.
“I know I am. She’s the best. Even when she’s being the worst.” If Sterling heard me talking about her like this, she would make fun of me.
Lacey got quiet in a way that I knew meant she was upset about something.
“Are you okay?” I asked her.
“Yeah, sorry,” she said and then she let out a sigh. “It’s nice to hear that someone gets along with their sister. Not all of us are so lucky.”