Page 71 of Ravished By Her
“You are? Up for it?” I asked, referencing what I’d been “up for” the night she’d gotten out the strap-on for the first time.
Lacey leaned down and said in my ear “I’m up for anything with you.”
Sterling snorted as I blushed and tried to hide my face.
“Shall we?” Lacey asked, gesturing toward the door. I went over and thanked Joy for everything before we went back to Lacey’s truck.
“It really wasn’t bad?” I asked when she got in and shut the door.
“No, it really wasn’t. I’ve been thinking more about how I’ve always sort of isolated myself. Mostly due to my family, and the fact that I don’t trust people, you know? I’d gotten used to my self-imposed loneliness, and I guess I’m kind of realizing, at age thirty-two, that it doesn’t have to be that way. I can have more. Anyway.” She seemed a little embarrassed at her own candor, so I touched her shoulder to get her attention.
“I know what you mean. I’ve been focusing so much on building my business and getting the hell out of here that I haven’t stopped to look around. I’m so convinced that getting back to Boston and back to my old life is what I want, what I need, and…I don’t know anymore.” I hadn’t admitted that to anyone, not even myself until just now.
“Were you happy in Boston?” she asked, oncoming headlights flashing by and illuminating her for a moment.
“I told myself I was. I thought I was.”
“It’s okay to admit that you changed your mind. Believe me, I know. My ex-wife and I had grown apart for a long time before either of us called it quits. I know I was telling myself that we could make it work, that we could get back to the way we were, but I was holding onto a relationship that didn’t exist anymore.”
Lacey had told me more about her divorce, in those quiet post-coital moments. It made me wonder what her ex-wife was like. I also couldn’t help but be jealous of the woman who Lacey had all her firsts with.
“Sterling told me to consider other possibilities. I guess I should. But don’t tell her I said that, or I’ll never hear the end of it.” I laughed, imagining Sterling’s look of triumph if she’d heard that I said she was right.
Lacey pulled into the driveway right next to the van and turned the truck off.
“Ready?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m ready,” I said, waiting for her to open my door. She helped me down and I unlocked the van and slid the side door open and flipped on the lights. Lacey followed me in and I shut the door, sealing us in together.
“It’s beautiful at night,” she said, looking around at the strings of lights.
“Please, have a seat,” I said, pointing to the passenger seat that I kept swiveled around so I didn’t always have to sit on the bed.
Lacey sunk down into the chair and took her shoes off, leaving them near the door on the mat. I did the same and opened the fridge. I’d stopped at the store and gotten some of Lacey’s favorite beer to have it on hand for her.
“Such hospitality,” she said when I held up two bottles.
“I try,” I said, and she pulled out her bottle opener. “I’ve also got some snacks for if we get hungry.”
Lacey sipped her beer and then put it in the console next to the seat.
“Come here,” she said.
I crossed the short distance between us and lowered myself into her lap.
“Does your sister have any rules about sex in the van?” she asked.
I made a face. “I think if you asked my sister, she would make a crude comment and some obscene gestures.”
Lacey laughed and grabbed both of my hips, dragging me closer.
“That’s good to hear, because I have a lot of obscene things I want to do with you.”
My hair fell forward and she pushed it back for me.
“What kind of obscene things?” I asked, my body already burning at the suggestion of them.
“So many,” she said, tilting her head up and kissing me fiercely.