Page 42 of Huntress Unleashed
“I can understand that after all they had gone through. Well, I hope she comes to the dance tonight too. I would love to get to know her. Maybe she would come to the therapy sessions too.”
“Maybe. Well, I’m going to let you get on with your day. I need to check into some things.”
“More vampires on your terminal list?” She wondered why he wouldn’t take her with him. Maybe he wasn’t comfortable fighting with her as a team on all the cases he was going after.
He shook his head. He looked so serious, she wondered what would be more important than that.
“My parents,” she finally said.
“Yeah. I’ll let you know how it goes.”
“Do you want me to go with you?” she asked.
“No. Unless you insist you have to go. But I would prefer talking to them alone.”
“Okay, just don’t make them so mad that they’ll want to terminate you because they believe you’re a rogue.”
“No one else will believe it and they’ll be up on charges of killing an innocent vampire.”
“Just don’t make them too mad.”
“I’ll try not to.” Then he kissed her and said, “Off I go.” And he vanished.
She loved surprising him and rogue vampires by doing that herself, but she realized she didn’t like it when he did it with her. But he needed to so that he could protect himself better. Then Princess was meowing, telling her she hadn’t fed her yet.
“Demanding kitty, aren’t we?”
Princess continued to talk to her until Jacqueline poured some food into her bowl, and she filled up her water dish too. Jacqueline headed into the laundry room to do a load of wash, and prayed Dane didn’t really aggravate her parents too much. Though she had to admit a little bit was fine with her.
Dane probably should have taken Jacqueline with him to see her parents, but he wanted to get this off his chest. He was afraid they might think he planned to mate her and wanted their permission, which was the furthest thing from his mind. Not that he hadn’t totally considered a union between them, but he didn’t have any intention of asking her parents’ permission after the way they had treated her once she had been turned. It might have helped if he had taken Matt with him to show them that family stuck together. But he figured he had this on his own and he really didn’t need to get his family involved. It might cause more tension.
As soon as he arrived home, Matt was waiting for him. Dane frowned at him. “What are you doing here? Did you leave something important behind?” Dane couldn’t imagine Matt had any other reason for being here.
“You. I’m going with you to see Jacqueline’s parents.”
Dane’s jaw dropped.
“Come on, Bro. I hadn’t gotten very far when Jacqueline called me and said to return to your house where you were planning to drive your truck to see her parents. So I’m going with you to keep you out of trouble.”
Dane shook his head. “I had considered taking you.” But he’d then discounted the notion.
Matt didn’t look like he believed him as he dipped his chin down and lifted his brows.
“I’m serious. Come on then.”
“We’ll take my car,” Matt said. Then they left in his car. “Do you miss them?”
“Hmm?” Dane asked.
“Princess and Jacqueline,” Matt said as he drove out of the housing development.
Dane smiled. “Yeah, you know it. They both add a lot of warmth and fun in my life.”
“I could tell. So you don’t want to screw things up with her parents if things work out between you.”
“I don’t care how her parents feel. They don’t care about her.”