Page 55 of Huntress Unleashed
“They haven’t danced once together.”
“I didn’t dance like this with her, to tell you the truth.”
“Oh, me either with Van.” She rubbed against Dane to make her point, eliciting a groan from him.
He gave her a sinister smile. “You will pay for that.”
“I can’t wait.”
When it was late and nearly time to close the club, the friends all gathered together to leave. Dane’s ex and Moose had left a couple of hours earlier too. She realized, maybe when she had only eyes for Dane, her brother and his girlfriend had left the club too.
Then the friends all exited the club together to ensure no one was waiting in the parking lot to give them grief. The rabble-rousing hunters who had been kicked out had left the area, thankfully.
“We’ll have to do this again,” Adonis said, “though it might be much later. We’re visiting with the Bremertons, but we will be returning to Florida to run the hunter group out there in about two weeks.”
“That’s understandable,” Dane said. “After what happened the last time with rogue vampires taking over your hunter territory when you left, I don’t blame you.”
“Michael and I will be returning to Florida also,” Danai said, “but Zachary and Pasha are hanging around here to help out his father and uncles.”
“With visits back home to Florida a few times a year,” Pasha said, “to see my family. We didn’t want to have all of us abandoning the Bremertons.”
“We will be swapping out too,” Danai said. “Michael and I need to spend time in both places.”
“The same with us,” Adonis said.
That made it hard, Jacqueline was thinking. Three of the Bremertons had mated with three of the Cameron family and their homes were so far apart. If she and Dane ended up mating, at least both their families were here. That was only important if her parents and her brother came around to accepting her. Otherwise, she was glad to be around Dane’s brothers.
Jacqueline had hoped they would have more time to practice telepathically communicating with all the Bremertons. Still, they had their therapy group members—Anne and Stacey—to also talk to. And maybe more if some others showed up at the meeting.
“It was great meeting you ladies,” Tobias and his brothers said.
Everyone else who had just met them said the same.
“Thanks, it was nice meeting all of you,” Jacqueline said.
“I’ll see you at our group meeting in a few days,” Stacey said to Dane and Jacqueline. “I don’t have anyone on my list to hunt, and I’m not looking for any for a while. I have enough money saved and I think I need a break.”
“I feel the same way. See you there,” Jacqueline said, thinking how much she had changed with the way she viewed going to the meetings. Instead of resenting them, Jacqueline was actually looking forward to them now and even meeting other hunters like them, especially since she would be going with Dane.
Stacey left, and Matt said to Dane, “You know, you said we would all be able to dance with Jacqueline. But you never once gave any indication that you were okay with any of us dancing with her once you took her to the floor.”
Dane smiled.
Jacqueline laughed. “Yeah, did you see Van approach me? Dane gave him a growly look that made Van take a step back.”
Trey said, “We knew that would happen, despite Dane saying he was fine with you dancing with us.”
Ryan agreed. “We didn’t even bother taking bets on it. Unless you had come and asked one of us to dance, Dane wasn’t going along with it.”
“I noticed. But none of you approached us either on the dance floor to cut in,” she said.
The brothers laughed.
“We didn’t want him to show off his fangs to us and get himself in trouble,” Matt said. “He still doesn’t have perfect control over them.”
Both Jacqueline and Dane chuckled. She actually loved that he was showing how possessive he could be with her. Van had never demonstrated those feelings toward her, and she had always wondered if there was something wrong with their relationship because of it.
Then everyone said their good nights, got into their vehicles, and headed out.