Page 58 of Huntress Unleashed
In the kitchen, Dane put food out for Princess, and then she was happily chowing down. Dane made ham and cheese omelets, toast, and bloody cocktails. When Jacqueline didn’t join him by the time he had finished making breakfast, he took the tray up to the bedroom using his vampiric transportation.
When he reached the room, he believed she looked pale, and he realized she really did need her cocktail. She must not have had much blood during the last couple of days, if any. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, just feeling really tired.” She perked up when she saw the Bloody Mary.
He helped her sit up and then gave her the drink, but steadied her hands until she was able to take a couple of good sips from her glass. “You must not have been drinking enough.”
“I forget about it,” she said.
He drank from some of his too then. “I was too, until my brothers found me passed out on the floor of my living room when they couldn’t get hold of me. When I have a craving for blood, I often ignore it. I want to have control over my life like I was used to.” He sat next to her on the bed and stroked her pretty red hair.
“Oh, yeah, don’t I know it. I just can’t stand feeling that it controls me.”
“But it doesn’t. Not all the way.”
She finished her cocktail. “Thanks so much. I feel so much better already.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“So what happened when your brothers found you passed out in your home?”
He chuckled. “Well, of course they were truly upset. They thought I had died! So they made me drink some blood and I was doing great, but they also made me set up regular feedings on a phone app so that I wouldn’t miss them. Of course, sometimes I’m in the middle of a fight or—” He winked at her.
“Dancing with a huntress and making love to her?”
He smiled. “Exactly. So that means drinking earlier before we’re off to do some new adventure, or right after. It’s hard to think of it when?—”
She leaned over and kissed his lips. “When we’re in the moment.”
“Absolutely. So we’ll have to make sure that we don’t neglect that.”
“If we had been at a vampires’ club, we could have ordered bloody cocktails,” she said. “But of course not at a hunters’ club.”
“Yeah, so before we go to the hunters’ club, we’ll have to have a refreshment. Otherwise, my brothers—should they find us both passed out—will give us both hell.”
She laughed. “At least they care about us. My family would never even know that I was blacked out at my home.”
“Yeah, that’s scary. You know we should probably mention that in the therapy group, especially for those who don’t have any family or friends’ support.” He began eating some of his omelets.
She was eating some of hers and smiled. “You are a great cook.”
“Thanks. My mother always said it was important for all her sons to cook well so they could prepare meals for their huntress mates also. Dad loved to cook too. His mother hadn’t insisted on him learning to do so, but our mother did.”
She smiled. “Even breakfasts in bed?”
“Absolutely. After having four sons, she needed a break, and he was proud of her for being a great huntress too. They fought together on hunts and trained all of us. Some hunters and huntresses have private instructors, but my parents wanted to teach us. Plus, my brothers and I had each other to practice fighting.”
“My brother felt I wasn’t enough of a challenge when practice fighting. He wanted to fight with all his male friends. So I understand that. On the other hand, I needed to fight males too so that I could fight male vampires. Though females can be just as powerful and difficult to fight. That’s why I like practice fighting with males in addition to females.”
“Well, you’ve got four of us males to do workouts with.”
She ate some of her strawberry-coated toast. “I will take all of you up on it.”
“I might have to fight them just so I get in enough time to playfight with you,” Dane said.
She laughed.
Then Princess jumped up on the bed and Dane grabbed the tray of their empty dishes and left the bed. “I forgot about her.”