Page 28 of Heartless Union
I flinch, but I don’t get far as we pace around the dance floor. “You don’t have to be mean about it.”
“I just need you to be pretty on my arm. Nothing more.”
“I have things I’m dealing with, in case you want to know.”
“No, I don’t,” he says, tightening his arms around me. “Not really.”
“If I’m too rich and pretty to have problems, then how come you have problems? Not only are you wealthy and attractive, but you’re also a man. Life should be easy for you.”
He scoffs. “You wouldn’t understand, Lara.”
No, you don’t understand me. But there’s no use telling Rocco that. He’s not listening.
And I’m not sure he ever will.
Lara is tense in my arms as we dance.
She doesn’t understand the pressure I’m under. The expectations my father has for me. The hope my siblings have for me to become a leader. And now, the worry about Carlo and Dante. Their boldness announcing they plan to take my father down in front of me at my damn wedding is astounding. I can’t have them do that because if they do, my father’s men will follow Carlo, and I need them to follow me.
I also don’t want Dante having any power over me. That smug bastard thinks too highly of himself as it is. I will not be bossed around by anyone, especially someone like him.
Lara has had an easy life. Her father is a nice man. She’s beautiful. What could she be upset about? Any woman would be ecstatic to marry me. I’ll provide more money and power than Lara has ever experienced. She should be on her knees praising me.
But instead, she’s arguing with me.
That’s one thing Lara needs to learn quickly—if she’s looking for comfort from me, she’s come to the wrong place. I’m not a comforting, compassionate man. I’ll protect Lara with my life. That doesn’t mean she gets my heart. No one does. No one ever has.
Once our dance ends, Lara walks away from me as fast as she can.
I follow her. “You’re my wife now. You should be on my arm.”
“Am I never allowed to have any space to myself?”
“I told you I expect you to be docile and submissive.” I gently grab her arm. “You’re going to do that, aren’t you, Lara?”
Her eyes dart away. She’s breathing heavily, but after a moment, she relaxes. “I said I would.”
“Good. Now, let’s eat.”
We take our seat at the main table. My father is on the other side of me, and he leans in to talk. “You and Lara make a beautiful couple. That’s good. We need people to like the look of you two. It’ll help the business.”
“Of course,” I reply curtly. I glance at Lara out of the corner of my eye. She’s barely picking at her food while her dad talks to her.
“Money is tight right now. We need all the help we can get.”
Money is tight because my father spends it like a lunatic. Hell, this wedding cost more than it needed to. I was all for making a splash, but my father went far and above in the money department. I never needed five crystal chandeliers placed in the ballroom, but my father thought the room needed it. “A wonderful way to make a good impression on our people,’” he said. He’s so caught up in trying to make alliances with people to earn more money when the key is just to not spend as much money.
Once I’m in charge, I’ll save the business. I’ll save our family. And I won’t need to beg people to save me. I have an alliance with Nico, who’s wealthy. He’ll help pull us out of the gutter. But other than that, I only need my siblings and Lara. My father can die as soon as I’m prepared to take over.
The rest of the meal passes in intense silence. I watch as Massimo and Gabriella dance most of the night away. Lucky for them they can be so carefree. It’s because of me they have that luxury. Emilio doesn’t dance, but he never does. He prefers to stay out of social gatherings.
I notice Lara doesn’t get up to dance either. She stays by my side for the rest of the night. Good. She’s a fast learner. When I ask something of her, she listens.
“I’m ready to leave now,” I tell her. I no longer want to look at my father nor Dante and Carlo, who look like they’re having the time of their life getting drunk and dancing. These men who think they’re in control. No. I’m the top dog here. I just have to be patient.