Page 36 of Heartless Union
I can’t speak.
“Lara, before I get really angry, I am telling you to answer me. Right now.”
No. I really can’t speak.
I have no one. My father is dying. My mom left me. My best friend hates me. My husband is the coldest man I’ve ever met.
And now, I’m in danger from other Mafia men who would do … I don’t even know what to me.
I truly can’t speak.
“Lara,” Rocco snaps.
And that does it for me.
I stumble backward.
I pass out before my body hits the floor.
Ihear Rocco’s voice. “Lara. Lara, wake up.” There’s a tap on my cheek, and it jolts me out of my darkness.
Blinking my eyes open, I see Rocco leaning over me. His eyes are open and soft with worry.
For me, I realize. He’s worried for me.
But in an instant, his eyes go back to being cold. “You’re awake. Good.” He helps me sit up. “What happened?”
I rub my head, trying to process everything I’d just been feeling. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m glad you’re not seriously hurt. But, Lara, I told you to not leave, and the minute I leave you alone, you do just that.”
“I know. I left because I was upset.”
“Over what? What is there to be upset about?”
You don’t get it, I want to tell him. “I went to see Ashley.”
His eyes cloud with anger. “I told you to never talk to her again.”
“I get it.” I stand up and immediately stumble. He reaches out a hand to steady me, but I pull away. “But she’s my friend. Or … was. I don’t know what we are now. That should make you happy. I’m alone more than I ever have been.”
He huffs. “It was never my intention to make you feel alone. You have me. Your father. My sister. You’re not alone.”
“You’re so dismissive,” I whisper.
“I wouldn’t have to be if you just did as I said. Don’t leave the house again without my permission. Is that clear?”
“Are you going to punish me if I do?”
He steps right up to me, so there’s barely an inch separating us. I can smell his musky cologne, which is overwhelming in a good way. “I’ll punish you if I have to, but I don’t want to.”
For some reason, his words send a shiver over me. Why do I have the urge to push him and see if he’ll go through with his punishment? None of it makes sense, yet it’s how I feel.
Staring up at him, I swallow hard. “I’m sorry I left. There’s something you need to know. Dante found me at my father’s house. He told me he and his father are not just coming after your dad but you as well.”