Page 38 of Heartless Union
“Please, Rocco. Let me see my dad.”
“I can’t,” he says softly. “For your own safety.” He continues to hold my face. I keep waiting for him to take a step back, but he doesn’t. His eyes flick down to my lips and back up again.
I gasp, my lips parting slightly. What’s happening between us? There’s a push and pull here.
Rocco leans in closer to me, his lips only an inch away from mine.
I stay still.
He closes the distance between us, and lips gently press against mine in a tentative kiss. I’m surprised. Rocco is not a tentative man.
But then he deepens the kiss. No more tentativeness. Only passion.
This kiss is a lot rougher and more intense than the kiss during our wedding. This is a kiss of a man claiming me but still holding back. He shows no signs of wanting to stop.
When his hands grip my waist and bunch my dress up, I have to pull back. Things are progressing too fast. I’m a mixture of emotions right now. Missing my dad. Upset over Ashley. Scared over Dante. And now this kiss with Rocco.
I gently push Rocco away. He lets me go but stares at me with his normal intensity. His look screams that he wants to kiss me all over again, and if I let him, there’s a possibility I wouldn’t stop it again.
And I’m not ready for that.
Rocco is breathing heavily. He takes another step toward me, but I take one step back. He stops, his expression darkening. “Just don’t leave the house again.” He turns away from me and leaves the room.
I stumble over to the living room and sit down hard on the couch. Why is it I hate Rocco for keeping my a prisoner here, while at the same time, I want him to come back and kiss me all over again?
It’s a blessing when Gabriella visits the next day.
“I know you’re still on your honeymoon, but I had to see how you’re doing,” she says as we settle on the couch.
“It’s not much of a honeymoon. I’m a prisoner here.”
Gabriella pouts. Somehow, she manages to make it work without looking immature. “I doubt you’re a prisoner. What’s my brother done now?”
I tell her all about Dante.
“That bastard. Rocco didn’t tell me about that.” She huffs and rolls her eyes. “He’s probably already had talks with our brothers about it but left me out of the conversation. Typical. You know, I asked Rocco to start making more time for us, but that lasted for about a day. I swear, he’d prefer to spend all day in his office working on business than spend time with family.”
“What about your other brothers?”
She waves a dismissive hand. “They don’t count. They’re part of the business in a way I’m not.” She gives me a pitying look. “Sorry. You’re now part of the club with me. The women club. We’re protected by these men, but we’re not invited to sit at the big boy’s table. It’s infuriating. I say we go ask Rocco what he has planned.”
I sink lower into my seat. “I honestly don’t care as long as the people I care about aren’t in danger.”
“Does that include me?” she asks, batting her eyelashes.
“It does.”
“I’m amazed you don’t want to know what Rocco’s plan is. I’m always curious.”
I shrug. “Politics don’t concern me. I’m used to keeping my head down.”
“Yeah? How has that been working for you so far?”
“Not well,” I admit, blushing. “I can’t seem to make Rocco happy. One moment, he wants me to stop hiding away, but the next, he wants me to follow him like an obedient pet. I’m not sure what to do. I’m just trying to keep my head down and ride out the storm.”
Gabriella leans in closer like we’re sharing a secret. “You’re seriously not interested in doing something a little rebellious?”
“No. Not when Dante and Carlo are watching us. They’re making a move on Rocco. I don’t want to get caught in the crossfire. For me or you.” Or for my dad, but I don’t mention that. I don’t want anyone to know about his cancer. It could ruin everything. Once he dies, Rocco might not see the point in our marriage and might cast me out. I’d be on my own, and that’s the last thing my father wants.