Page 68 of Heartless Union
The new men with guns start raining down fire, but we’re all outside by the time they start. Emilio stumbles under Massimo’s weight. My dad is barely breathing as Rocco carries him.
We run around the side of the house to the car, and Rocco places my dad in the backseat. I get in beside him as Emilio sits Massimo beside my dad and me.
“Where’s Gabriella?” Rocco asks, getting into the front seat.
Emilio cusses and runs back toward the house. The men with guns run back outside, firing their weapons. Emilio ducks behind the car, and Rocco shifts down in his seat. The window is taking the bullets, but the glass won’t hold forever.
Then I spot Gabriella.
She’s running toward us down the street.
I wave at her to stop. “She’s there.”
Rocco sits back up. “Emilio, get in.” He jumps into the passenger seat, then Rocco takes off and meets Gabriella on the road. “Get in!”
Gabriella dives into the back seat with the rest of us. Then Rocco slams his foot on the gas and speeds away. The men with guns still fire at is, but soon, we’re out of range.
“Dad?” I say, pressing my hand against his stomach wound. He smiles up at me. “Dad, you’ll be all right.”
Gabriella is beside Massimo, crying into his shoulder. He’s still alive, but I can tell he’s also in pain.
“Where are we going?” Emilio asks Rocco.
“We need to get a doctor. Call Dr. Johnson. Have him meet us at …” Rocco shakes his head. “Dammit. Search for a hotel or a motel we can go to.”
Emilio’s fingers fly over his phone. “Got it. There’s a motel nearby. We can stop there.”
“That’s assuming Carlo and his men don’t find us first. Call Johnson and tell him to meet us there.”
I don’t listen to Emilio as he makes the call. My entire focus is on my dad and making sure he doesn’t die.
“Dad, keep your eyes open,” I whisper. “Stay awake. If you’re awake, then that means you’re alive.”
“I was … already dying,” he responds.
“Don’t talk. Save your strength.” I look up and catch Rocco’s eyes in the rearview mirror. The intense look he’s giving me would normally steal my breath, but right now, it only worries me further. He doesn’t think my dad will make it.
Rocco pulls into the motel parking lot. “Emilio, get us a room.” Emilio runs out of the car and into the front office. Rocco turns to me.
I grab his hand. “Save my dad, Rocco. Please.”
“We also need to save Massimo,” Gabriella cries.
“We will. We’ll save them both.” But the look on Rocco’s face tells me he doesn’t believe it. Only one doctor is coming.
And Massimo is younger and stronger. And isn’t already dying of cancer.
Dr. Johnson will only be able to save one of them.
And it won’t be my dad.
Emilio comes back with a room key. Rocco carries my dad to the room while Emilio and Gabriella help Massimo walk. I can only follow behind feeling helpless.
My dad and Massimo are placed on one bed. Each bleeding from their stomachs. Both looking near death.
“We need to stop the bleeding as best we can,” Rocco says. “Grab the towels from the bathroom and pack their wounds.”
Emilio runs to do that. He comes back with two towels—one for Massimo and one for my dad. He presses the towel against Massimo’s stomach, while I grab the other one and do the same for my dad.