Page 74 of Heartless Union
Lara has awoken something inside of me. She’s made my heart feel when it has never felt before.
And for that, I’ll hold onto her for as long as she needs me to.
Ican’t even move. Trying to feel anything hurts too much.
After Rocco held me until I stopped crying, he carried me to bed, and I’ve laid here ever since.
My dad is dead.
I knew the day would come, but I thought I’d have more time. I wanted him with me because I didn’t want him to die while I was in hiding, but it was because I brought him with me that he was in the position to get shot. If I’d just left him alone in his house, he’d probably be safe.
He’d probably still be alive.
I’ll carry this grief and guilt with me forever. I’m sure someday it won’t hurt so much, but right now, it feels like it’s going to eat me alive.
Rocco has been checking on me throughout the day, but I can’t talk to him. I told him I hate him, which isn’t true. Not one bit. But I don’t have the words to express what I’m feeling. I’m so embarrassed about how I acted around him.
And all he did was be there for me.
That’s thing about Rocco; he’s always been there for me.
When I wasn’t ready to have sex on our wedding night, he didn’t pressure me into it. When I was taken by Carlo and found my way back to him, he made sure I was all right. He’s fought like crazy to save me ever since we’ve been on the run. And now, he’s comforted me after losing my father.
My big, scary husband who once terrified me now brings me comfort. I never thought that would happen, but here we are.
I think I love him—deep down, I know I do.
But I don’t know how to tell Rocco that. Would he even want me to tell him? He only ever wanted me as a submissive trophy. He’s changed, though. I think he wants more now. I think he’s capable of love.
There’s just so much uncertainty. So much left unsaid. Where do I even begin?
Rocco returns to the room to check on me. “Lara? I’m going to get us food. You need to eat. Please stay here until I get back.”
I don’t answer him. I’m still not sure if I’m going to leave the moment he does. I have to see my father’s body. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.
Rocco nods once before leaving. I can hear him walk to his car and get in. Once I know he’s gone, I get out of bed and walk to the door.
Placing my hand on the doorknob, I hesitate. I shouldn’t leave. Rocco is right—it’s too dangerous. But I have to see my father, and Rocco is not the boss of me.
I open the door and step outside. I have no car and no clue even where the clinic is, but I’ll find it.
I’m a few steps away from the motel when I hear Gabriella speak. “You shouldn’t leave.”
I spin around to see her standing in the doorway of the other room. “Are you spying on me? Doing Rocco’s dirty work?”
Gabriella smirks. “Nope. Just keeping you from doing something stupid. Come inside. Please.” She holds her hand out to me.
I glance over my shoulder. I could make a run for it.
“I’ll just chase you,” she says.
I sigh and walk over to her, taking her hand. Gabriella leads me inside.
“Sit down,” she says, pointing at the bed. I do as she instructs. I’m waiting for her to scold me like her brother does, but what I’m not expecting is for her to immediately throw her arms around me in a big hug. “I’m so sorry about your dad.”