Page 1 of Vicious Union
I’m on the hunt for Dante Romano.
The bastard has caused a lot of trouble for my family. First, he and his father tried to overthrow my father as leader of the Italian Mafia in New York. Second, he kidnapped my younger sister, Gabriella, and my older brother’s wife, Lara. And lastly, he pretended to befriend my other older brother, Massimo, to gain information about the family and drive a wedge between us.
Well, the last one didn’t work. My family is as strong as we’ve ever been. Now that Rocco, my oldest brother, is in charge of the Mafia and happy with his wife, he’s never been more confident. He’s sent me on a manhunt for Dante, who was spotted in Queens, doing god knows what. Probably trying to build his own influence. Though how he thinks he can manage that in Queens, I’m not sure.
As the youngest brother in the De Luca family, I’m given most of the grunt work, which I’m all right with. I don’t complain. I know my duty to my family. I’ll do what I have to do to make sure everyone stays safe.
But riding along with me today is Massimo. The reason being—Rocco is still a little angry with him for befriending Dante after everything he tried to do us. Which also includes trying to kill Rocco before.
“Put your phone away,” I grumble, keeping my eyes on the road.
Massimo sighs. “How did you know? You’re not even looking at me.”
“Because I know you, Massimo. We have a job to do. One Rocco expects us to finish. So, keep your eyes out. We’re looking for the building Dante was spotted in.”
“I am looking. I’m a skilled multitasker; I’ll have you know. I can look at my phone and keep an eye on the road.”
I snort. “No, you can’t. You’re the opposite of a multitasker. You can only focus on one thing at a time.” I briefly slide my eyes over to him. “Why are you even on your phone anyway? We have a job to do.”
“I was just checking in with Ophelia.” That’s his wife. They married six months ago, so their relationship is still new, but they love each other. It’s obvious whenever they invite me over for family dinners.
I find love a bit sickening, actually. It seems like a waste of time. I’d prefer to focus my efforts on productive things like catching Dante before he can cause more chaos than he already has.
“Well, Ophelia knows you’re at work right now,” I snap, turning the corner. “So, put your phone away.”
“You don’t understand the responsibilities of having a wife, Emilio. Once Rocco forces you to marry someone for political gain, you’ll understand.”
“Rocco won’t force me to marry someone. He knows I’m not very nice. No woman would want me.”
Massimo chuckles as he pulls his phone back out, I notice. “That’s because you’re always scowling.”
“I’m not always scowling.”
He looks at me. I glance at myself in the rearview mirror and see I am indeed scowling.
“Well, that’s just because you annoy me,” I say.
He laughs again, shaking his head, his eyes back on his phone. “Rocco will make you marry someone. Trust me. He has three siblings, all of whom will make him good political matches. I did with Ophelia. Now, it’s your turn. And soon, it’ll be Gabriella’s turn. I think she’ll be the worst. She’ll go kicking and screaming and clawing her way down the aisle.”
The image makes me laugh. “Well, I know my duty. If Rocco says I have to marry someone, then fine. I’ll marry someone. But I’m not going to waste my time getting to know her or falling in love with her as you have with Ophelia. I have more important things to do.” I pause. “And besides, I can get any woman I want. One night stands work for me. Relationships, not so much.”
“I thought the same thing until I met Ophelia. Now, there’s no other woman for me. You could say the same about Rocco when it comes to Lara. Give love a chance, brother.”
I snort. “No. Now, keep your eyes out. We’re here.” I pull up to the shabby abandoned building where Dante was spotted by one of Rocco’s other men. He has spies who spend their days driving around and staking out the city.
Massimo and I get out of the car and slowly approach the building. He runs a hand through his dark hair, so much like my own. From the outside, we could almost pass as twins—dark hair, tall, broad shouldered. But it’s obvious Massimo and I are very different people. I’m twenty-nine and ready to focus on my career. Massimo is thirty-one, and despite how much he’s grown since meeting his Ophelia, he still has that party energy about him. Just instead of partying with random women, now he just wants to go home and party with his wife.
The door creaks as I push it open, and I wince. Dante can’t know we’re here. We need to catch him and … well, probably kill him. I know Rocco wants him dead, so he can’t cause more trouble. I’m ready to do what I have to do for my family.
Though, I haven’t killed that many people before. A few bad men but nothing else. Dante is different. I know Dante. I’ve spent time with Dante in the past before he decided to come for my family. It’s going to be strange killing someone I actually know.
A mice scurries past, making Massimo jump back. “Yeesh. I hate those fuckers. Riddled with disease.”
“Massimo, know is not the time to be worried about mice. Dante could still be in here somewhere.”