Page 14 of Yes, Love
Dominic’s mouth crashed down on mine, and I forgot to breathe. I wrapped my legs around his waist in the water and gasped when he slid his hands into my hair and brought his lips to my neck.
“That one’s perfect!” Kitty clapped her hands. “With the sunset behind them and everything? Ah! I have chills!”
“Let’s do a few more outside the pool so we can get all of Ava’s bikini in the shot.” Jeanie waved us over.
After we climbed out of the pool, Kitty gasped, “Don’t take that photo!” She cleared her throat. “Um, Dom, you have a little uh… situation.”
Dominic glanced down at his dick. So did I, and fucking hello again. “Well yeah,” he said. “I had a half-naked girl pressed up against me, and she’s got a nice arse. I’m not dead, am I?”
I gave him a flirty little smile and bit my lip. “Aw, lover, I’m flattered.”
“Should we check and see if she’s wet then? Fucking unfair how women can hide arousal.” Dominic scoffed and turned around to adjust himself and make his raging boner less visible.
When he turned back around and pulled me into his arms for the picture, I whispered, “Oh, baby, I’m wet.”
He burst out laughing and ruined the photo, much to Jeanie’s frustration.
Twenty minutes later, Dominic and I stood in my kitchen, wrapped in towels while our publicists talked. I glanced over at him as he scrolled through his phone — probably checking Lucy’s feed. I wasn’t proud of the fact that I most likely checked her pages just as often as he did.
“Hey,” I called over to him.
Dominic’s gorgeous dark eyes flashed up to meet mine. “Yeah?”
“Why did you call me an evil fairy?”
Dominic grinned and winked at me. “Cause you’re small like a fairy and a bit scary when you’re all done up.”
My mouth dropped open. “I’m scary when I’m all done up?” No one had ever insulted my life’s work like that. Makeup was my art form. I adored making faces beautiful, and here this asshole was, telling me it was scary!
Dominic laughed. “You’re like a pretty, angry fairy painting that might curse me if I touch it and mess it up.”
“Whatever. Get out of my house if you’re going to insult my work like that.”
“It’s not an insult, Ava.” He stepped closer and leaned in so he could whisper in my ear. “I want to mess it up. I’m not afraid of your curses.”
Chills scattered down my back and arms. Dominic glanced down at my breasts and smirked. “Cold?”
“Yes.” I tilted my chin up, thoroughly annoyed with the reaction my body was having. “Go away now.” I fought my smile, but it won.
Dominic chuckled. “If that’s truly what you want. Can’t wait for our next ‘date.’” He draped his towel over the back of a barstool and picked up his bag of clothing changes before heading out the door behind Jeanie and Kitty.
God-dammit. I wanted to fuck him so bad. This crazy desire got worse every day, but I refused to make the first move. The ball was one hundred percent in his court. He was the one that was in love with someone else. He needed to decide if we were going to make this little arrangement work for us.
Ava arched her back and let out a delicious moan. “Mmm!” She cupped her naked breasts and gasped, “Oh, Dom! Yes! Yes!”
“Does that feel good, Ava? Do you like it when I fuck you?” There was an echo to my voice, and it sounded far off, but I ignored it. Ava felt incredible, but just as it started to get good, the bedroom door flung open and bright light flooded the room. Suddenly, my sexy little fairy vanished. “Ava?” I rolled out of bed and searched the room for her. Just when I was getting a proper fuck…
My eyes slowly drifted open, and I covered my face and groaned. This was the second time I’d had a sex dream about my fake girlfriend. I was in desperate need of some action, but having a girlfriend, real or not, made me feel bad about hooking up with anyone else. I’d been celibate since I’d agreed to the arrangement with Ava.
Four bloody weeks.
Would Ava be up for it? Was it mad to even wonder? A few weeks ago, she would have just as soon chopped my cock off than fuck me. Things were better now, though. We could at least be in the same room together without wanting to commit murder. I might even call our last date fun. We were getting on and having a laugh over our best hangover stories when the sprinklers came on in the middle of our fake picnic.