Page 62 of Laura's Truth
He envied her commitment to the job in front of them. Envied her confidence in his future. Until he’d met Laura, he hadn’t planned on anything beyond Hackett. With his resume, no less than three different countries wanted to put him in front of a firing squad. After Hackett started talking, the United States might join that party. Good thing he couldn’t really die more than once.
Leaving—running, to take off the sugar-coating—was a viable option. It was pretty close to being the smart option. Until he looked at her. Leaving her and Ross to deal with Hackett was the coward’s way out. Death happened to everyone eventually. Better to die for a reason, as her hero, than as a runaway eager to stay in one piece.
He leaned over and brushed a soft kiss against her shoulder. Tropical scented sunscreen and sunshine blended with her own scent, making him want her. Here and now. Tomorrow and every day yet to come. He knew it with a certainty he couldn’t accurately explain.
I love you. The words were right there. If he opened his mouth, they’d tumble out onto her glistening skin.
He bit them back, refusing to cast a cloud of potentially unwelcome emotions over what was working. Not with a bastard like Hackett in the shadows waiting to strike.
Taking him down—alive—required their full attention.
Life had blessed him with few guarantees. He had the rest of today and all of the night to make the most of his time with Laura. While she dozed, Drew made plans. Not for the purpose of intel or assets, this time he was planning how to spoil her. How to give her everything she deserved for a lifetime in the few remaining hours he could count on.
He wouldn’t say the words, but he could make sure she knew just how much she meant to him, how much he treasured the way she challenged him and set him free. No matter the outcome.
Chapter 14
Laura slipped carefully from Drew’s embrace and eased out of the bed. She paused at the desk and read the newest message on the cell phone. Wrapped in a hotel robe, she stood on the balcony above the beach, her eyes on the horizon. The morning dawned in burnished golds and hot pinks over the water, painting the peninsula of Charleston in a warm glow. The air was still and clear now, but the rising humidity would soon catch up with the sun.
She gave her mind time to drift along the hot memories of last night. He’d treated her like a queen with a rich, Italian dinner delivered to the room, a smooth red wine, and chocolate dipped strawberries. He’d loved her thoroughly, mind and body and soul last night. She knew she’d never get tired of making love with Drew.
Smart or foolish, she was drawn to him like a moth to flame. Already, she loved him completely. Who he had been, who he was now, and who he would be once he had the chance to choose. To live his life his way.
She wanted to see that man and she wondered if she had any right to ask to be part of his future.
It had been a happy surprise to wake next to him, though she wasn’t convinced he’d made a final decision about staying. His claims of standing with her through the takedown didn’t quite mesh with what she considered the most logical choice. He really should go.
Her heart cracked at the idea of never seeing him again.
He should go. They had enough evidence. Fail-safe measures were in place. Eva had the backup files. Ross had the take-down location secured.
Drew needed to go.
It was the smart decision, the only option to guarantee he didn’t wind up in a cell with Hackett. Her hands flexed and fisted in the thick terry-cloth pockets of the robe. Or instead of Hackett.
She knew Drew should make his escape, even as her heart selfishly prayed he would stay. Tears threatened again, as they had last night when she’d curled into his embrace, her palm resting over his heart.
Crying hadn’t been an option then. It wasn’t an option now. There would be time for all of this emotion and the tears that burned in her throat after Hackett was in custody.
After Drew was gone.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her neck. “You smell sexy.”
Laughing, she turned into his arms and feathered soft kisses against his lips. He made it impossible to smother the happiness in her heart, despite the task on today’s agenda.
“Did you sleep well?”
He nodded. “I’ve discovered you’re the perfect sleep aid.”
“Gee, what a compliment.”
His hands cruised up and down her spine, bringing her flush with his strong body. “You know exactly what I meant.”
“True.” She had a brief, heated debate and once more opted not to tell him how much she felt for him. I love you. Those three little words were full of pressure and expectation, even though she didn’t mean them that way. Those words might make him feel obligated, might keep him with her when the best thing for him was to run. For now and possibly forever. She’d find a way to get through the emptiness.
“Ross sent the final confirmation,” she said, tracing his whisker-stubbled chin with her fingertips. She would miss him. Desperately. “Everything is in place.”
“Then let’s go trap a traitor.”