Page 49 of A Stop in Time
Even though he has a placid expression, something in his tone has my hackles rising defensively.
“Perhaps you’re hoping to avenge your sister’s death.”
There’s no mistaking the trace of condescension in his voice. My fingers curl into fists. Motherfucker needs a good pistol-whipping right about now.
“That’s not going to happen, Mr. Madrano. Not avenging your sister’s death nor the pistol-whipping.”
My breath stutters in my lungs. How the fuck did he—
“Know what you were thinking?” One edge of the man’s mouth moves the slightest fraction. On anyone else, I’d assume they were attempting to stifle a smile. “It’s both a gift and a curse. But back to the point at hand…”
He moves casually, resting an ankle on his opposite knee. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into, and now you only have two options.
“The wisest and, perhaps, safest is, you return to Palm Cove and resume Scorpion business and forget about the circumstances surrounding your sister’s death.”
“What’s the other option?”
He peers at me for a long moment before releasing a sigh as if I’ve disappointed him. “I see you’ve already chosen.”
“Still wanna hear the other option.”
His lips thin. “The other one ends with you finding the truth…and likely meeting the same fate as your sister.”
The hell? Shock ricochets through me at his response.
His eyes seem to penetrate through me. “You won’t like what you find. That, I can guarantee. Your sister was—”
“Did you know her?” The words fall out before I can consider how pathetic I sound. So eager for any morsel of information.
Still as calm and placid as always, he answers smoothly, “I knew of her.”
I grind my teeth at his bullshit response.
“You have to realize that once you get mixed up in this”—he shakes his head slowly without breaking eye contact—“there’s no way out.”
Ominous finality coats his voice, but before I can demand answers and clarification, he whips his head around and stares at the window. He’s so laser-focused, I wonder if he can see through the curtains.
“What is it?”
The way he rises from the chair is both quick and flawless. Soundless. It’s freaky as fuck. Even more when that pale blue gaze bores into me. “We need to get out of here now.”
“What’s goin’ on?”
“No time for questions. You’ve already been pinpointed as a threat.” He glances around. “Anything here irreplaceable?”
I glance around. “No.”
“Then grab only what you need, because we need to go before they arrive for you.”
“No time!” he hisses before going transparent, disappearing before my eyes.
He materializes at the door while I hastily slide into my boots and grab my holster, shoving my gun in it, and fix it in place. I stuff my wallet, keys, and phone in my small duffle bag and stride toward him.
He opens the door and glances each way before tipping his head silently, gesturing for me to follow.
As we descend the stairs, I wonder how the hell he’s so soundless with every move. We reach the gravel parking lot as the night sky begins losing its darkness to the emerging sun.