Page 8 of A Stop in Time
As if someone’s just snapped their fingers, my vision goes from blurry to focused in a flash. I frantically scan my surroundings, my eyes bouncing over the unfamiliar medical equipment.
I peer down at my body and see restraints binding me to the gurney. Multiple thick, wide straps restrain me to the flat surface. My ankles, legs, stomach, chest, arms, and forehead are held firmly in place. The only thing covering me is a thin cotton hospital gown.
My heart thunders in my chest, beating faster and faster, and a monitor chimes with each beat.
“Where am I?” My voice emerges raspy, as if I haven’t spoken in a while.
A man lowers his face to mine, and immediately I recoil. His eyes are terrifying and possess a haunting quality.
The barely audible word spills from me before I realize it. “Evil.”
There’s no way he can hear me over the near-deafening noise, but he must read my lips. His mouth forms a slow smile that sends a barrage of shivers down my spine.
He says something, but it gets lost in the noise and drowned out by another man’s voice. His tone’s urgency pulls at me like the strongest rip current.
“Mackenzie! Mackenzie, can you open your eyes for me?”
My closed eyelids flutter and twitch with the effort it takes to open them. Once I do, I blink against the bright light before I’m able to regain focus.
Dr. Phillips’ concerned expression is the first thing I see, second to a distressed-looking Lara. His features relax a fraction, and he releases a breath. “You had us worried there for a minute.” His gaze sweeps over my face. “Do you remember your name?”
“Mackenzie Ford.” My voice is raspy, as though I’ve been screaming at full volume.
“Good. Do you know who I am?”
“Dr. Phillips.” My eyes flick to Lara. “And you’re Lara.” Focusing on the woman, I notice her hair is a ruffled mess, a bruise is blooming on her cheekbone, and a bloody scratch leads from her jawline to low on her neck.
“Good. That’s good.” My worry increases at the brittle, tense quality of his forced smile. “We’re relieved to have you back.” His gaze briefly drifts down my body where they’ve applied restraints before he turns to Lara. “These can be removed now.”
Lara bites her lip, her eyes cagey, but begins unfastening my restraints.
My heart thuds in my chest, beating as though I’ve just sprinted for miles. “What happened?”
He exchanges a quick look with Lara before clearing his throat. “You had a bit of an episode, I’m afraid. Shortly after you were sedated and your therapy began, you suffered a violent panic attack that triggered some sort of…” His brow furrows as he trails off, as if searching for the correct phrasing.
“It seems to have triggered a psychosis that caused you to hallucinate.” He shifts slightly while uneasiness etches his features. “Do you remember anything?”
Lara unfastens my ankle restraints. When she arrives at the ones binding my wrists, her hesitation is unmistakable.
“I remember being restrained and not being able to move.” My chest tightens with a fragment of the fear I’d felt in that moment. “I was afraid that something terrible was about to happen.” My eyes clash with Dr. Phillips’. “What did I do?”
He winces, his lips pressing thin as though he’s determining how to phrase his response. “For some unknown reason, you were triggered by Lara. You immediately became violent and lashed out at her.”
My eyes sweep over the poor nurse’s face, taking in the bruise on her cheek and the bloody scratch I evidently delivered to her. Fuck.
I address Lara. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”
Her offered smile is weak, and she avoids meeting my eyes. “It’s okay.”
“No. It’s not.” My tone is firm, ripe with self-recrimination. “I’m truly sorry.”
Her gaze flicks briefly to mine before lowering to finish the task of releasing my wrists. “It’s fine.” A forced smile graces her lips. “All part of the job.”
There’s no way I could possibly feel shittier about what happened. But she clearly wants to let it go, so apologizing profusely will only make things worse.
Dr. Phillips offers his upturned palm, gaze assessing in that typical physician-like manner. “Can you sit up for me, Mackenzie?”
I’m not sure if it’s stubbornness or if I’m still reeling from the fact that I hurt Lara. Whatever the reason, I’m reluctant to touch anyone right now, and disregard his offered hand. I sit up and release a slow breath.