Page 94 of A Stop in Time
I avert my eyes to his shoulder. Jesus. I didn’t even get him fully undressed. Depriving myself of the sight of his upper body should be a crime in itself.
“What about, uh…” When he falters, I peer at him curiously. Is Daniel Madrano stumbling over his words? It’s almost…endearing.
“I have an IUD, so you’re in the clear.”
His eyes scan my features, an indecipherable flicker crossing his face. Eager to change the subject, I murmur, “That might’ve been better than mediocre.”
The slow burn of heat in his gaze flicks over my features, as if trying to gauge the truth of my words, before his mouth curves into a smirk. It elicits the strangest sensation in the center of my chest.
Holy shit… The power of his almost-smile has me feeling out of breath.
He arches a dark brow. “Might’ve, huh?” When he shifts, it has me sucking in a sharp breath at the way his semi-hard cock feels inside me.
“Mm-hmm.” That’s all I can manage.
Leaning in, he dusts a kiss to my lips with a gentleness that catches me by surprise.
“Mackenzie Ford…” That smirk deepens, and when his tone turns husky, laced with mischief, my heart skips a beat. “We both know it was a world away from bein’ mediocre.”
“I can’t believe you’re making me eat this.”
Regarding it like someone might view a pile of shit, Mac wrinkles her nose at the lettuce wrap I made her.
“It’s good for you.”
She cuts me a dark look. “They used to say spraying kids with DDT was good for them, too, and look how well that turned out.”
“Just take a bite. You’ll be surprised at how good it is.”
She gives me side-eye like a petulant toddler. “I don’t know why I can’t just eat my beef stick.”
I grunt. “That shit’s nasty.”
We’re both sprawled on her couch, where she has her plated turkey and cheese lettuce wrap poised on her lap.
She’s wearing only her shirt and panties, which makes it hard for me not to go at her all over again. The inked designs that climb up her left leg and disappear beneath her shirt taunt me.
I know she’s insecure about her scars, but I wish she wouldn’t be—especially around me. She needs to see that she’s sexy as fuck and nothing detracts from that.
When she takes a bite and chews, her eyes grow squinty. Once she swallows, I raise my eyebrows. “See? Not bad, right?”
A noncommittal, “Mmm,” is all she gives me before taking another tiny bite.
“You might wanna add in some vegetables to what you eat daily. Maybe put them in a smoothie.”
She cringes. “Why?” Undisguised disgust lines her features. “That just sounds like liquid suffering to me.”
I scrub a hand over my face to hide my smile. “If you eat all your wrap, you’ll get a reward.”
Blue eyes lift to mine, sparking with interest. “What kind of reward?”
“The naked fun kind.”
She snickers and rolls her eyes. “Of course.” But I don’t miss the fact that she still takes another bite.