Page 22 of When Lies Unfold
A scurrying sound nearby has her instantly alert, ears perked, eyes focused on whatever it might be in the shadowed jungle. “What is it?” I whisper.
As if to answer me in her own way, she gives my hand a little nudge before springing off and disappearing into the jungle.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of her. If I could be as elusive as she is and survive as easily, I’d choose to disappear there, too.
One thing is certain, though… Her visits always soothe me in some way. Because I’m at least doing something right if a wild, dangerous animal visits me after I’ve healed her.
Even after everything I did in my past, I like to think that maybe, just maybe, Belleza is a sign from the universe that I’m closer to redemption.
When my phone vibrates with a text notification, I can’t suppress a groan. Of course, he’s not going to leave me alone. Of course.
Waiting on an answer, Miss Arias.
When I save his number in my Contacts list under Supreme Asshole, it gives me a little boost. Then I type out:
No need to worry. See? My lips are sealed.
I take a selfie with my middle finger over my lips and attach it with another message.
And good morning to you, too. Yes, I slept well, thanks for asking.
For good measure, since this man aggravates me unlike any other, I send a smiley face emoji with ¡Pura vida!?3 before I drop my phone in my lap with a satisfied smirk.
Within less than a minute, my phone vibrates with an incoming message, then another on its heels.
You’re testing my patience, Miss Arias.
Didn’t I tell you about that mouth of yours getting you into trouble?
After a few more fortifying sips, I feel better prepared to take him on.
Huh. And here I thought my mouth was one of my best features.
Instead of a near-immediate response this time, none comes. I wonder if he’ll decide to show up unannounced. Again.
Ugh. Please let that not happen. I can only tolerate so much assholery.
I finish half of my coffee before my phone vibrates with a text message notification.
You trying to get a compliment out of me?
I regard my phone warily, unsure how to respond when another text arrives.
Remember to stay away from the cop and keep that pretty mouth shut. We’ll be in touch.
Wait. He thinks my mouth is pretty?
As quickly as that thought strikes me, I tamp it down. Because what the hell? Evidently, I’m still programmed to attract toxic men. One would think I would’ve learned from my toxic, horrifying ex.
While I get dressed for the day, though, his final words linger, a nefarious whisper in the recesses of my mind.
We’ll be in touch.
1 Beauty
2 In Costa Rica, the black puma is sometimes referred to as a panther or cougar. Black pumas are rarer.