Page 47 of When Lies Unfold
I adjust the volume in time to hear her mutterin’ to herself. “What the hell was I doing, letting a freaking narco kiss me like that?” She covers her face with her hands with a groan, and damn if a part of me doesn’t find it adorable.
I smother the smile that tries to form on my face with my hand and exhale slowly. Get your shit together, asshole.
“And jerking him off…” Beneath her covered face, her muffled words emerge, followed by another pained groan. “Why, why, whyyyyy?”
A sudden vibratin’ sound on her bedside table has her snappin’ upright. I lean toward the monitor, watchin’ as she grabs her cell phone and answers it with a, “Hey.”
I’m torn between whether to continue listenin’ to the one-sided conversation or tappin’ into it on my computer. Our tech guy took care of installin’ the trackin’ software on her cell, and when she says, “I’m fine, Sabrina. I promise,” I relax a fraction.
But still… It could be a cover. She could be talkin’ to the fuckin’ cop.
The thought of her commiseratin’ with Nando makes me feel antsy as fuck to punch somethin’. I stretch my neck from side to side, tryin’ to shove that feelin’ aside and concentrate on her conversation.
A feminine voice rises on the other end, confirmin’ it’s Sabrina, but I’m unable to hear what she says to Lola. Whatever it is, it has Lola closin’ her eyes with a wince. “I just need you to trust me. Please. I promise, I can handle myself.”
Curiosity has my fingers flyin’ over my keyboard to pull up the audio of her call.
Sabrina’s quiet for a moment. “Do you even know what that man’s done?”
“Just listen for a minute, okay?” Her friend interrupts, her tone panicked. “He’s, like, the complete opposite of a good guy. Everybody’s heard of Santiago Hernández. And I know you, Lola.” Her voice softens. “You’re not the kind of woman who wants to get with a bad boy.”
Sabrina continues in a rush. “If you need help, just say so. I’m sure we can get Nando to help, because God knows he’s crazy about you?—”
“No!” Lola’s shoulders slump, and her voice loses most of its tension. “Just…please don’t worry about me. And please don’t get Nando involved, because I’m fine. I promise I don’t need help. I’m just doing extra work.”
“Riiight…” Sabrina isn’t buyin’ it, it seems.
Lola responds, her voice calm and composed. “Look, I was offered an opportunity to make more money, and as you know, every little bit helps. I’m still working on getting back on my feet here.”
Suspicion clings to Sabrina’s words. “An opportunity?” She lets out a harsh laugh, and Lola’s spine stiffens. “If the opportunity is to ride a dangerous criminal’s dick, then?—”
“Don’t.” Lola’s voice cuts through her friend’s rant, caustic and sharp. “You know me. I don’t whore myself out for money. I never have and never will.” Her tone grows cooler and distant. “The fact that you think I would…hurts.”
Sabrina exhales loudly. “I’m sorry.” She goes quiet for a beat. “But I need to be honest with you.”
Wariness encases Lola’s voice, and it’s also etched on her features. “Okay…”
“I don’t believe you.” Silence trails Sabrina’s admission. “I’ve known you for almost five years now. You’ve never come right out and said what you ran away from before you came here, but I’ve basically pieced it together.
“That’s why I’m worried you’re falling back into a similar situation… Maybe even worse.” Resignation bleeds into her tone. “But it’s obvious you’re not planning to tell me the truth.”
Remorse washes over Lola’s face. “Sabrina?—”
“Just remember, Lo. If you need me, I’m here for you.”
Lola’s face crumples, and she lowers her chin to her chest, her voice filled with emotion. “Thank you.” Pressin’ her lips together firmly as if trappin’ more revealin’ words, she murmurs, “Likewise.”
A forced laugh comes from Sabrina. “As much as I appreciate that, I’m not the one at the beck and call of a cartel leader.” Before Lola can respond, Sabrina lets out a tired sigh, inflectin’ her voice with a trace of humor. “Well, I better get going. This gallo pinto won’t make itself.”
“Talk to you later.”
Lola drops the phone on her bed, her movements listless. Even though I’m not in the room with her, I swear I can sense her sadness permeatin’ the air through the screen. The smallest trace of sympathy stirs from deep inside me, but before it can take hold, a knock sounds at Lola’s door.
Every muscle in my body goes on high alert. Lola slides off the bed, and I rise from my chair, eyes trained on the monitor. It better not fuckin’ be one of my men knockin’ on her door. I’m about to switch to get the feed from that hallway when she opens the door.