Page 78 of When Lies Unfold
I snag her wrist before she can escape. She freezes, her attention fallin’ to where my fingers cinch her. Her dark bangs shift with her What the fuck? expression.
“In such a hurry to get away from me, Miss Arias?” I don’t know why the hell it burns that she’s always runnin’ off, tryin’ to evade me. I know I’ve given her more reasons to flee than stay, but…fuck. Her reaction has my damn ego takin’ a colossal hit.
At her pointed look at where I’m still holdin’ her, I release her slowly.
She crosses her arms and lifts her chin in a stubborn way I’ve already become familiar with. “Is there something you need?”
“Where you off to?”
She adopts a nonchalant tone heavily laced with sarcasm. “Oh, I figured I’d get pampered at the spa while I wait for my nanny job to start once Alma’s done with her tutor.”
This woman’s got a mouth like no other. And fuck if I don’t like it.
Not that I’ll admit it.
“Yeah?” I step closer. “What you need pamperin’ for?”
Tippin’ her head to the side, she assesses me in a way that tells me I’m not gonna like whatever comes outta her mouth next. “For when I ask someone out on a date.”
Fierce possessiveness turns my tone dark and threatenin’. “When you what?”
As calm as can be, she repeats herself, enunciatin’ each word. “When I ask someone out on a date.”
I fold my arms across my chest, mimickin’ her pose. “And just who the fuck are you plannin’ to ask?”
She holds my gaze for a beat. “Luis.”
The hell? My hands drop to my sides, and I’m tempted as fuck to punch the side of the house with my bare fist.
My tone is flat. “You’re plannin’ to ask out Luis.”
“Yes.” She unfolds her arms and smooths a hand down her hair. “Is my hair okay? Because I want to look my?—”
In an instant, I’m in her face, loomin’ over her. “The fuck you wanna ask out Luis for?”
Her words emerge slowly, as if I don’t have a fully functionin’ brain. “Because he’s nice to me.”
“Nice.” The word tastes rancid on my tongue. “So, I haven’t been nice to you by lettin’ you live after what you witnessed?”
Her expression turns to fury. “That right there, is exactly what I mean. You think you’re being nice to me by letting me live, but I’m supposed to think that everything else that goes along with it—you terrorizing me at every damn turn—is nice, too?”
She lets out a disgruntled huff and shoves both hands against my chest. “You’re insane!”
I band an arm around her waist, and when she struggles to get free, I walk her backward until she’s trapped between me and the high railin’. Her eyes threaten to set me on fire with her anger, and I revel in it. She doesn’t cower to me.
I’m drawn to her—drawn to this woman who’s filled with so much emotion and liveliness. She’s smart as hell and braver than most men I’ve come across.
For a split second, I imagine havin’ someone like her by my side. Someone strong-willed and brave and who won’t be easily swayed by fear.
“Let me go!” She attempts to break free of my hold, interruptin’ my stray thoughts.
Brown eyes flayin’ me to the bone, her lips are parted, and I give in to the craving to claim her. Fistin’ her hair in a captive grip, I fit my mouth to hers.
If I believed in witchcraft or voodoo shit, I’d be convinced she practices it. ’Cause every fuckin’ time I put my mouth on this woman, I’m an addict who needs even more.
It’s never been like this before and sure as shit never with Keyna.
I use my hold on her to tilt her head to take the kiss deeper, and she matches me with each stroke of our tongues. When her palms slip beneath my untucked shirt to flatten against my chest, my cock grows harder.