Page 16 of Savage Vicious Heir: Part Two
Maureen stayed with me a little while, helping me unpack the groceries. She even made me breakfast. But she had to get to her new job, and I didn’t want to burden her anymore than I already had.
Before leaving though, she insisted I take her spare phone charger.
I almost declined.
I’m not sure I want to be tethered to the outside world yet.
The girls will no doubt keep texting me. Tally might even keep her word and report me missing to Mr Porter.
I hope she trusts me enough not to do that.
I just need some time to process everything and figure out what I’m going to do.
At least the house is still functional so I can have a hot shower and keep myself distracted watching on the old television in Dad’s study.
But no matter what I do to take my mind off it, I can’t forget about last night.
A new kind of pain has taken root inside me.
Was it all a lie?
Was Elliot just toying with me all along?
Even now, my heart doesn’t believe it. The things he said, the things we shared…
But deep down, I know the truth.
I know that no matter what I let him do to me in the dark, it never meant I’d get to walk with him in the light.
Tears streak down my face as I pull the blanket higher, trying to focus on the blurry images on the screen.
My phone bleeps but I ignore it.
I’m not ready to talk to anyone yet.
I’ll have to go back to All Hallows’ eventually, or Tally really will inform Mr Porter, or the worse, the police.
I can’t return until I have a better hold on my emotions though.
I can’t return until I know that I can be around Elliot and not fall apart.
“Fuck,” I groan, rolling over and opening my eyes, wishing that it was all a bad dream.
But it wasn’t.
Abigail didn’t return to school yesterday like I hoped she would.
The girls are worried. Hell, even the guys are worried.
Tally watched me with accusatory eyes. She might not have the details, but she knows I did something.
Something bad.
Something to send Abigail into hiding.