Page 1 of Dad Bod Demon
Chapter One
“Penelope, you sweet little innocent,” Diana, the tall female guard, sighs as I lean over the balcony of my hotel room, trying to get a good look at the copious men in the street. “Please stop that, or your father will have an absolute fit.”
“Oh, Diana, stop fussing. I’m only looking,” I reply, glancing back at the guard whose sole purpose is to protect me and my virtue. “I’m locked away in the country for what feels like three-hundred-and-sixty-five days of the year, surrounded by women, and I’m tired of it. Do you know, my father is the only male I’ve ever actually spoken to?”
As I settle into the wrought-iron chair, painted dainty shades of white and pale pink, my gaze drifts to my attractive guard, always hovering nearby. In truth, I'm not sure about Diana's age, but from our interactions, she appears to be no more than a few years older than me.
My heart races at the thought of confiding in her, of perhaps seeking some guidance on how to navigate the unbearable torment consuming me. I wonder if she shares the same longings that shake me to my core. After all, she, like myself, is trapped in this gilded cage, surrounded only by the company of women, save for my overprotective father. Is it possible that she also yearns for something more, something deep and carnal, something that can only be found in the arms of a lover?
“What about those purity balls he takes you to? Don’t you talk to men there?” Diana asks with a frown. It's clear from how her face pulls down that she thinks the whole situation is odd, but she isn't about to prod too much.
Working for Forest Trumont as a guard for his most precious possession—me—comes with an excellent benefits package and a salary that most can only dream about. I know that even if I don't like to think of myself as my father’s possession.
Lately, thoughts have started to invade my mind: thoughts about marriage and babies, things I see on TV when nobody knows I'm watching. Protected my entire life from any males, even my own family, I thought my father cared about me so much that he wanted to protect me from any harm. I thought he loved me more than anyone else in the world. But lately…
“Pen? Are you all right?” Diana asks, using the shortened version of my name, which she only does when we’re alone.
I sigh, looking up at my guard, brushing my long hair behind my shoulders. “I’m fine. And to answer your question, no, the other men are fathers, and they wouldn’t dare talk to another man’s daughter. It would be too shameful.”
My eyes move to the gold band on my left hand, wrapped around the finger that will one day hold a wedding band—if I'm ever allowed to meet a man, that is. I promised my father I would remain a virgin, a promise I made when I was fifteen and didn’t understand the situation in its entirety.
“Your father does seem to have an obsession with your…purity,” Diana whispers. She sits opposite me, but her eyes move constantly, always looking for any threat to my life or my innocence. “I heard he insisted all male staff at the hotel be sent home and that only female staff were allowed in the building while you’re here.”
“That wouldn’t surprise me.” I smile wistfully, thinking how sweet my father is, always ensuring I'm safe from any threat. After all, real monsters roam the world outside our mansion in the country and are rife here in the city.
They're called many things: monsters, creatures, mutants. My father calls them The Others.
Screaming Woods was the first place they appeared, the result of a scientist’s homemade Halloween punch gone wrong. Those who drank the Frankenpunch turned into monsters—gargoyles, ogres, griffins, ghosts, and many more.
Then, little pockets of magic started spilling into the neighboring village of Fable Forest. Rumor has it that the residents there are all caught in a spell and forced to live out classic kids' fairy tales with a twist. Seems a little farfetched to me, but who am I to judge? As sheltered as I am, I'm the last person to understand the complexities of the "real" world.
The fact remains—The Others are now a part of everyday life… not that I've ever seen one apart from on TV. To be fair, most of The Others have integrated peacefully into "our" world. Many have strength and power that could easily be used for nefarious purposes, but for the most part, they seem to want what we want—the freedom to live their lives how they choose, even having relationships and marrying humans.
The Others have blended into human society, taking jobs, buying houses… even having children with their loved ones, resulting in many cute, hybrid babies.
I sigh, wishing I was an active participant in life. But Father considers it too dangerous and ensures we're protected by thick walls, high-tech security systems, and twenty-four-hour guards.
Anything could happen, and a man like my father, a man richer and more powerful than the gods, will always be a target. He tells me of the constant threats he faces, to him and to me. It's a knowledge I've grown up with—the unshakeable belief that the outside world is a terrifying and dangerous place. So why do I still yearn for a life beyond my gilded cage? What is this itch beneath my skin that urges me to break open my cage and fly free and far?
Perhaps I get my willful spirit from my mother. It's no secret that she hates my father. She lives in the shadows when he's home and never has anything positive to say about him. I feel sorry for her for having so much jealousy in her heart that it's distorted her view of my father and the world. I know my father loves me, that he isn't the horrible person my mother says he is.
My brow creases as I ponder Diana's words about the all-female staff. “I don’t think it’s my purity, Diana. I think it’s because my father wants to keep me safe. He wants me to have a happy life, and he’ll do anything to ensure that,” I finally answer.
I pick up a grape from the selection of fruits in a bowl on the table to hide how Diana’s doubts only add to my own. I'm not ready to examine those doubts in detail. Not yet. I much prefer my version of what motivates my father because to consider anything else is unthinkable. “He loves me so much that he wants only what’s best for me.”
Diana’s mouth pulls up as though she’s tasted something awful, showing that she doubts me, but I know my words are true. “It’s why I was homeschooled, why he only employed female teachers and tutors for me. He knows the evils of the world, being as powerful as he is. He wants to protect me.”
Even to my ears, my words lack conviction. I want to get on with my life. I'm twenty-one. Isn't it time I found a man, settled down, do all the…stuff I'm not supposed to know about? “But I have to admit, I don’t know how I’m ever going to find a man to give myself to if I’m never allowed to meet any.”
Diana purses her lips and shakes her head. “You aren’t. I think that’s the idea.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, frowning as I pop another grape into my mouth. Does Diana know something I don't?
Diana's expression clears, and she waves her hand dismissively. “Nothing. Don’t pay any attention to me. It’s not like I’m privy to your father’s plans. Come on, it's time to get in the shower and dress. He’ll want you ready for tonight’s ball.”
She gets up from her chair, her hand out to help me up—not that I need it, but the guards have been taught to always anticipate my needs. I'm tired of it.