Page 28 of Dad Bod Demon
He shoots me a look. “I don’t like it, Penelope. I’m supposed to keep you safe, not...” He trails off, unable to finish.
“I’m the bait,” I say, refusing to mince words. We don’t have time for this, as Mammon is determined to act immediately and leave The Below for good. I understand: he’s only now found his purpose after serving Lucifer for so long. Neither of us wants to be a prisoner anymore.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“I’m not giving you a choice, Mammon. It’s a good plan, and I’ll follow you either way.” I stand, my fists clenched at my sides. "We're in this together."
He grits his teeth, anger written all over his features. But it doesn’t scare me. I know he's worried because he loves me.
“You are infuriating,” he finally says, leaving the room. I follow him, as I said I would, and watch as he rummages through some cabinets. He pulls out a small vial. It looks delicate as he shows it to me. “Vein Venom. Very rare. It’s poisonous to vampires. It will incapacitate him, but only for a while. You’ll lure him out, he’ll come to drink on you, and you smash this in his face. It will break easily. Be careful.”
He hands it over, and I tuck it carefully into my jacket pocket.
“Are we all packed, then?” I feel energized instead of afraid. I trust Mammon to protect me, and I trust what we have. We’re going to win.
“Yes,” he sighs in resignation. “Let’s go to The Above.”
When he snaps his fingers, we’re at our estate in The Above, and it’s raining. The gloom of the night is interrupted by a glowing security light outside.
“We need to have a fight,” I say matter-of-factly.
“A fight?”
“Yes, so I have a reason to walk out alone. It’s nearly midnight, and I’m sure Rapha isn’t far away. I’ll be too hard to resist.”
He looks out the window listlessly before looking back at me, his eyes burning with an intensity I've never seen before. “Don’t you dare die on me, Penelope. My eternity would be too hard to bear.” His voice is low and gritty, filled with emotion.
I reach for him, planting a kiss on his cheek before whispering an apology. Then I slap his face.
He backs up, grabbing his cheek in shock. I know I haven’t hurt him, but it takes him a moment to realize what’s going on.
“I can’t stand it anymore!” I shout, heading for the door leading out to the pool.
“Where are you going? It's raining!” he calls from the doorway, looking up at the sky as if he’s allergic to rain.
I try not to hide my amusement at his hesitation to follow me as I place my hand on my hip and twist to look at him. “Anywhere you aren’t. My father locked me up, and I won’t be locked up down there anymore, Mammon.”
My voice resonates with the truth. I'm over being tied to The Below.
Mammon steps out into the rain. “But I love you. I need you.”
I scoff. “If you truly loved me, you’d give up your powers. You’d give it all up for me. Forget about Lucifer and The Below.”
He stares at me for a moment, choking on what to say. If this doesn’t draw his enemy out, I don’t know what will.
“Just as I thought,” I say in disgust. “You have nothing to say because you love being the greed demon more. Don’t follow me.”
I turn on my heel, leaving dramatically as I step over plants and navigate hedges to reach the gate. I’m drenched as I do this, but I act like I’m so mad that I don’t care.
I start down the road in my heels, muttering under my breath, wishing I'd had the wherewithal to put on something more sensible.
Please, come after me, Rapha. I can’t do this again.
A few more paces and a hand comes around my throat, another covering my mouth to muffle my scream. I’m yanked into an alley with a strength similar to Mammon’s.
I temper my breath, knowing it’ll be okay. Mammon is close by, waiting for the right moment.
“Ah, how long I’ve waited for this. I’m going to enjoy Mammon's suffering as I devour you.” Rapha's voice is like the hiss of a snake.