Page 112 of Corrupted Heart
I watch as his jaw grinds.
“Forget it, Bianca. It’s fine. I’m sorry I startled you before.”
He starts to turn away.
“Why’d you stop me from kissing you?”
He pauses, turning back to look at me. “Just forget it. Please.”
“Kratos, it was just a kiss?—”
“Maybe I don’t want to.”
“To kiss me?”
A lifted shoulder is his only reply. I purse my mouth.
“Wow, okay. My bad for looking for a little affection.”
“I don’t really do affection, now do I?”
“Guess not,” I snap coldly, stepping back from him.
Kratos levels a withering gaze at me. “If that’s going to be a problem for you, perhaps you should have thought twice before torching my car.”
I bark a cold, brittle laugh. “Wow, we’re still on that?”
“It is what it is.”
“Married people kiss,” I mutter.
“Well, we’re not really a married couple, are we?”
I bristle, my eyes hardening on him. “I guess not. Actually,” I snap coldly, “I guess we’re not a real couple at all.”
I whirl to storm away. Then I flinch when he roughly grabs my arm and spins me back around. I shiver when I come face to face with his wrath, his face darkened and angry.
“I don’t do lovey-fucking-dovey, Bianca. I don’t do snuggles, or affectionate kisses.” His nostrils flare. “I don’t do kisses at all, actually.”
I roll my eyes. “Right, sorry, my mistake!” I spit. “You just like to chase girls around in the dark wearing a fucking mask and playing out rape fantasies with them!”
“You’d know.”
I stiffen, glaring at him. “What are we?” I hiss. “An arrangement?”
“We’re a peace treaty, Bianca.”
“So,” I seethe, “none of this matters? None of this means shit?”
He leans closer to me, his grip on my arm tightening.
“Do you enjoy it when I chase you?”
I swallow.
“When I catch you, and hurt you…” He looms over me, that ominous inky black power I always feel radiating off him in the church flexing around us. “When I fuck you?”
Kratos’ hand suddenly teases across my stomach. I tremble, my breath sucking in as his fingers slip into the waist of my yoga pants before pushing lower. His hand delves under the lace of my panties, and I bite my lip as his thick finger pushes lower, dragging through my wet lips.