Page 156 of Corrupted Heart
So I did the only thing I could think of that I knew would stop him from following me, as much as it broke my heart.
I used the nuclear option.
Even remembering the way I said it, and the haunted look in his eyes when he heard it, breaks my heart all over again.
Like I broke his heart.
Because that’s what I saw in his face. I saw pain, and betrayal, and they almost broke me right there.
But if breaking his heart saved him, so be it. If my own broken heart is collateral damage, that’s a price I’d pay a thousand times.
I shift in the chair I’m tied to, feeling the bite of the ropes binding my wrists behind me. We’re in the old, mostly demolished executive suite on the top floor of the building Kratos’ family recently acquired from my mine. The only light comes from the few construction bulbs, reflecting dimly off the bare metal frames of the walls and ceilings. The windows in the wall overlooking the Hudson River below have been removed in preparation of the complete teardown the Drakos family is planning, and a chilly wind whips through the gaping frames.
Amaya’s phone goes off. She turns and walks away as she answers it brusquely.
The sound of a tongue clicking against teeth drags my attention across the cavernous space, where Grisha is leaning against the metal frame of a wall, leering at me.
“Yeah, great acting,” he sneers. “Too bad all it did was buy that fucking husband of yours one more day of breathing.”
I don’t respond.
I did what I did before because all I could think of was sparing his life. Whatever they were going to do to me, whatever came next, as long as I knew I was stopping them from shooting Kratos in the back right there in the living room, I was fine with it.
And when they hauled me into the van and drove off into the night the second I stepped out of the brownstone with my suitcase, I swallowed my fear.
Because I knew he was safe.
But now I know I was so blinded by that immediate fear for him I couldn’t see past the present, to what might come next.
Now I can.
Maybe Amaya’s only real plan for me is to use me as a bargaining chip. I was in the room when she made the call telling Kratos to bring the Bratva pakhan Drazen Krylov here in exchange for me. Maybe it’s all a trap, but I have to cling to some shred of hope.
When I look at Grisha, that hope shatters.
Amaya herself might genuinely just be looking to make an exchange. But there’s something vicious in Grisha’s eyes.
He’s not here because he gives two shits about any Bratva politics going on here involving Drazen.
He’s here because he wants to hurt Kratos. Maybe even kill him.
“Shame you’re not in charge,” I spit at him. “Just her little assistant.”
Rage clouds his face as he storms across the room. I gasp, flinching, but there’s no avoiding the back of his hand as it slaps my mouth, hard.
Grisha chuckles darkly as I wince, turning and spitting blood as my lip splits.
“You think I’m not in charge here?”
I swallow, glaring at him. “No one with half a brain would ever put you in charge, of anything” I hiss. “You’re Boris Chernoff’s errand boy. And now even his number two has you running around, taking orders from her.”
Rage sparks in his eyes and I brace myself for another hit. But Grisha just smiles coldly, chuckling darkly.
“I know what you’re doing, shlyushka,” he growls. “Trying to bait me. Antagonize me.” He grins. “It’s not going to work. Not yet, at least. Not until that fucker gets here.”
“She has business with him, though,” I smile. “So does your boss. You can’t?—”