Page 72 of Corrupted Heart
As the room goes quiet and still, I realize something. I see it in the way his siblings interact with him—the way Callie reaches over to him and squeezes his hand. The way Hades good-naturedly pats his shoulder.
They don’t see him the way I do.
And when Kratos smiles downright warmly at something Ares says to him, it really does click for me:
I don’t think his family knows him at all.
Not the way I do. They don’t realize the kind of savagery that lurks under that smiling, friendly-giant surface.
They don’t see the monster, or the beast he is.
But I do.
Ares and my dad meet halfway and shake hands firmly.
“Bianca,” Vito says gently, turning to me.
I clear my throat, looking at Ares, heat creeping up my neck and into my cheeks.
“I…” I swallow. “I’m truly sorry about the car,” I murmur quietly. “I was pressured into it, and I know that’s no excuse, but I?—”
“What’s done is done,” Ares says in a cool, even tone. “We appreciate the apology. But our options now are limited. You’ve got the other Commission families to consider. Meanwhile, we’ve got our own allies to think about. Not to mention, what you inadvertently destroyed in that car meant a lot to, frankly, a very crazy Albanian.”
He turns to my dad.
“How are you feeling, Don Barone?”
Dad smirks. “Like I’ve been barbecued. But I’ll survive.”
Ares dips his head. “My apologies again. As I mentioned earlier when we spoke, we didn’t know your poker game was going on in the basement.”
“Thank you for being the level-headed man and strong leader I’ve always been told you are, Mr. Drakos,” Dad replies with a nod.
Ares draws in a breath as his eyes slide to me. So do those of his siblings. I shift uncomfortably as they all openly size me up.
All except him.
Kratos isn’t looking at me like he’s sizing me up, or even like he’s angry.
He looks unreadable.
And it’s throwing me off.
“Have you told her yet?” Ares growls quietly.
I frown. “Huh?” My head snaps around as I look quizzically at my dad. “Have you told me what yet?”
Vito’s mouth is tight and unhappy. He clears his throat as he steps closer to me.
“That…thing…we agreed wouldn’t ever happen…”
Oh God.
Instantly, whatever color was left in my face drains away. My head starts to shake slowly, my eyes staring into the middle distance as my breath chokes off.
“I have no choice. It breaks my heart, but I gotta break that promise, Bumblebee,” Vito says quietly, his face twisting with emotion.