Page 61 of Vampire Savage
Oberon is quiet for a long moment and I smirk at the idea that I’m getting to him.
“You must have thought I didn’t recognize you at our meeting—in fact, until that day I had no idea you’d survived. I—”
“Can we skip the monologue?” I interrupt him. “I have many things to do today.”
“Wren?” My heart stops but I don’t let it show in my voice. It’s more difficult than I’m used to; I’ve never struggled with emotions, even ones of rage and anger. Oberon saying her name, though, threatens my control. The need to bury my fangs in the man’s throat before ripping out his jugular twists inside me like a pissed-off viper, its poison dripping into my veins and fueling the rage.
“Her driver was concerned about her visiting the Barrows, even if she claimed it was for work. He informed me of her location, and I considered what she and I’d spoken earlier about. I instructed him to bring her straight to me if he picked her up, and he’s a good employee so he did. He knows not to risk upsetting me.” Oberon explains. “Regardless, what’s important is I believe you have a fascination with my daughter. I thought it only fair to tell you she will no longer be available. I thought she was a loyal, loving daughter, but I’m learning she is not as obedient as she appears. Much like her mother.”
Ashe mouths for me to stay calm, and I do. Barely. “Do you have a point, other than you’re locking your daughter up in your tower? My fascination was due to the connection to you.”
“This is a warning, Mr. Polastri,” Oberon says. “Do not interfere in my life and I will not interfere in yours. We can go back to how it was before. Blissful ignorance of each other.”
“Goodbye, General.” I end the call and look between Ashe’s and Ambrose’s gaze.
Ambrose speaks first. “What do you need from us?”
The inferno of rage disappears as if in a vacuum, replacing it is an indomitable glacier and focus. Plans and variables fly through my mind at lightning speed, being dismissed or added to the strategy forming inside. Only three heartbeats pass before I nod sharply.
Ambrose and I have a conflicted history, but I will accept his support without hesitation when it comes to protecting my mate.
“Oberon cares for nothing but himself, safeguarding the chalice above all. So I need to know everything about every single person who works on his security team. I want their families, their debts, their hobbies, their secrets.”
“That’ll take time,” Eris says, stepping forward to stand beside Ashe. “Why not just go in guns blazing and get the girl?”
A sadistic grin stretches my face, my fangs fully exposed. “Because in addition to saving my mate, I’m going to destroy Oberon Benoit’s empire completely.”
Chapter Twenty-Six
Maybe someone else would be scared after their father, who murdered their mother, dragged and locked them into a bedroom.
Frankly, I’m just pissed off.
I was shocked when Simon was still so close to the Nightshades’ house, then grateful as he stopped by a pharmaceutical corner store when we crossed over the bridge into Topside. I needed a pregnancy test, just to find out if all of the fucking Lan and I had been doing has created something from the both of us. I’d stored it in my purse, intent on taking it as soon as I got back to my apartment but that plan went out the window when Simon drove me to my father’s building and escorted me upstairs.
I want to be angry at Simon, but he works for my father in the end, not me.
No, who I’m angry at is the man who raised me to be a sacrificial lamb.
Oberon asked for my phone, and like a confused idiot who still trusts her dad somehow, I showed him it. He stole it from me then marched me to this damn guest bedroom. At least he hadn’t seen the pregnancy test box in my purse.
I sink onto the sleek king-size bed, grumbling with resentment how comfortable the mattress is with the plush linens. Like the rest of my father’s penthouse, the guest room may as well be a professional showroom and has no spark of life. There’s a seating area by the one large window that offers a stunning view of Newgate but I hate it because it’s a reminder that I’m trapped in here.
Obviously, I need to escape. Joséphine mentioned the mating bond connecting Lan and me, and how mates can feel one another.
Landon! My asshole father has me locked up in his penthouse! I think at him as loud as I can and scrunch my face at how ridiculous I feel.
I should have started carrying my second phone with me, not that it’d help since it’s currently broken and tucked away in a drawer with a semi-permanent spot on my to-do list.
Think. I’m an intelligent boss bitch, as Niamh likes to remind me. I can figure out a way to escape and get back to Lan, who will keep me safe.
My hand drifts to my stomach, and a dizzying combination of fear and hope hits me. I’ve always wanted kids, though it was always a future thing. I eye my handbag and after a moment’s cowardly hesitation, I grab the pregnancy test out of the box and storm into the connected bathroom like I’m on the warpath.
The bathroom is just as meticulously designed as the guest bedroom, with a seamless glass shower and marble accents that match the marble countertops. I ruin the pristine image by shredding the thin box as I open it and discard the white and pink pieces on the counter without care. Two wrapped sticks fall out, along with a folded instruction paper. How hard can it be to pee on a stick?